Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Y'all might not have noticed it, but an earthquake hit the enemies of freedom, also known as the democrat party this week. Senator Zell Miller, D-Georgia has come out and announced his support of President Bush for re-election. More telling still, Miller stated that he wouldn't trust any of the nine democrat presidential candidates with the security of the country. Next week, Miller's book is set to hit the shelves, the title? A National Party No More: The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat. The funny thing is that the mob over at democraticunderground is screaming for his head. Nice folks those leftists, such an appreciation of free speech. When a respected member of their party speaks out, trying to show the party that it is catering to special interests and anti-American forces they howl for his head. Some of the tolerant masses over at DU actually have suggested that IMPEACHED ex-president Clinton approach Miller and tell him to leave the party. Yep, thats the party of inclusion all right, unless you happen to be a conservative.

Speaking of which, Miller is not all that conservative. His lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union a moderate 54. But there is no room for moderation in the democrat party. No, they want Miller's head served on a platter. What the democrats fail to realize is that by throwing away the South, they throw away any hope for victory next year. You cannot ignore, abuse and amuse yourself at the expense of 1/3 of the country without suffering political implications. In the last 25 years, the democrats have reaped what they have sown and the once solidly democrat South is now firmly in Republican hands and will remain so for the forseeable future. The democrats continue to place their hopes in the dream of IMPEACHED ex-president Clinton leading them to prominence again. Why is beyond me because since Clinton was elected in 1992:

- GOP seats gained in House since Clinton became president: 60

- GOP seats gained in Senate since Clinton became president: 11

- GOP governorships gained since Clinton became president: 14

- GOP state legislative seats gained since Clinton became president: c. 500
- Democratic officeholders who have become Republicans since Clinton became president: 439

- Republican officeholders who have become Democrats since Clinton became president: 3

Clearly, the United States as a whole is becoming more conservative. Clinton was elected twice true, but never did he recieve a majority of the vote and it can be argued that were it not for Perot, Bush Sr. would have won a second term. The left has poisoned our culture, our society and our politics for too long and Americans are beginning to understand that the way to defeat the insidious forces arrayed against us is to elect Republicans. If those Republicans who are elected fail to uphold their oath to defend the Constitution and fail to serve their constituents well, then they too should be shown the door as mercilessly as any democrat. I for one hope and pray that the democrats continue to ignore the warnings of moderate democrats like Miller and Ben Nelson of Nebraska. More and more the democrats will represent only large cities and some border areas. The remainder of the country will become more and more Republican. If you doubt me, take another look at the 2000 election map. Remember Bush Country? Well I'm happy to live in it. Now if we could just discard that pesky Harry Reid.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Sorry to do this to you folks...but look into the face of evil...Ok maybe evil is too strong a word but take a look at the sedititious Senior Senator from California. I hope you all have eaten...

Feinstein and her ilk continually lobby for enviornmental protections against all reason. Of course it really has nothing to do with the environment but rather which special interest groups, (in this instance enviro-nazis from any of a dozen different groups) who contribute to her PAC and re-relection campaigns. Now of course, after years of refusing to allow deadwood, dry brush and felled trees to be removed from our forests and public lands due to environmental restrictions imposed by DiFi and her cronies, California burns. Now that California is threatened with disaster, she screams for Federal aid.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Monday, October 27, 2003

Sorry about the delay in this weeks recipe folks. If you've been checking in you know that I've been a mite under the weather. Once again my apologies to reader Chris Banks, Reno, Nevada who is patiently waiting on my lasagna recipe. I'm still waiting on the new copy Chris, as soon as it comes, I'll post it without waiting for the traditional Sunday recipe posting. In other news the staff here at WKWR is absolutely ecstatic over the damnedyankee defeat in the World Series. That ought to keep a lid on the damnedyankee fans at work and now we can concentrate on football. Except that the Raiders and Niners both suck. How in hell can the Niners beat the reigning World Champions one week and then lose to the lowly Cardinals the next? Someone pour Dennis Erickson another drink. In the meantime, down in Lalaland, Shaq and Kobe are a feudin' which just may torpedo the Laker's chances before they get started this season. That would break my heart....(snicker)...check out the Feud News at ESPN.

Now this weeks recipe is going to be a quickie because I've got to get to work and I've been cooking quick. This week we have saffron rice and pork chops for which you'll need:

4 medium thick loin or rib pork chops
2 packets of Mahatma saffron rice
2 tablespoons butter
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil.

In a saucepan, start the two packs of Mahatma saffron rice according to the instructions on the packet, 1 2/3 cups of water and a tablespoon of butter for each packet. Bring the water and butter to a boil and then add the contents of the rice packet and lower the heat. Cook it for about 5 minutes while you brown the pork chops in olive oil in a heavy skillet. Once the chops are brown, remove them from the skillet, pour the rice and water into the skillet and spread it evenly around the bottom, then place the porkchops back on top of the rice and cover the skillet. Turn the heat down to low and cook it 25-30 minutes. Keep checking as you don't want to burn the rice or dry the chops. If the water looks a little low, just add more. Plate it with a chop and rice, some apple sauce and a salad for a fairly quick and great tasting meal.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, October 24, 2003

Ugggh. To borrow an old saying from my honky tonkin' days, I feel like a coyote ate me and crapped me off a cliff...Of course in those days that saying was usually reserved to describe a hangover, today I'm just plain ol' sick. Got me one of them bugs that Hooter and The Chop might have called super herpes back in the College of Alameda days. Not that I've actually got the super herp...just some kinda bug that seems to be going around these parts. In any event, I intend to get this weeks rant out, sick or not because my readers would expect nothing less. I did make some mention of the global economy as I recall and soooooo...

Cops say the damnedest things.

Yep cops. I know for the most part we aren't the most brilliant of people. What we do generally possess is common sense. Twice in my career I've heard cops utter things that to me were absolutely profound. Once was many years ago when undergoing drug recognition training, the instructor posed the rhetorical question, "why don't we just legalize drugs?" Well in the next breath he answered his own question. "Because a sedated nation cannot be a world leader." That copper was right, no country having legalized the narcotics trade is a world leader. Abdicating our responsibility to combat the importation of illegal narcotics in order to take the easy way out would be merely the first step on the road to mediocrity.

Now then, the second time in my career when I was struck by the profundity of the speaker was this past Monday evening. I happened to be setting in a class dedicated to the examination of counterfeit documents and which was put on by a pair of Secret Service agents. One of those agents expressed the view that some things are worth defending and in this instance, it was his belief that our country is one of them. That got me to thinking. Most folks go through life daily without any real awareness of the colossal struggle going on about them between good and evil. We are under attack constantly, no I'm not referring to the ongoing War on Terror. More simply I'm referring to the war on crime and not just that crime which occurs in our streets. When I say that we are constantly under attack, I mean by those people and groups who seek to use our freedoms against us as well as the common hoodlum. Everytime you get an annoying Nigerian scam e-mail or Canadian Lottery winners announcement in your email, it's another attack on us and another example of why a global economy is not going to work. There is no set of rules for most of the world and we cannot conduct trade among nations and civilized behavior without rules. Of course to the left, only America need play by any rules, for the rest of the world it's carte blanche.

There has been much talk in recent years about this so called Global Economy. What Global Economy? To have such an economy would require that every participant play by the same set of rules and that there be a single monetary unit. It would require that we as Americans relinquish our interests in an American economy in favor of a global venture. Lastly, it would require that every nation-state become an equal. This won't happen except in the twisted utopian dream world of socialists everywhere. Once again leftists, in striving for that noble concept of equality among nations have allowed emotion to fly in the face of history and human nature. Equality should be something to strive for, but it is not conferred. Men and nations are not truly created equal. (If they were, then I would be a chiseled 6'4" instead of a more rotund 5'8".) Like respect, equality can be earned. This is not to say that we shouldn't treat nations and people equally but such treatment should not be confused as an acknowledgement of equality among nations and men. Carthage was not the equal of Rome, nor Spain of Britain. History tells us that there will always be a power nation or nations on whom the establishment of order and rules will rely. In this era, that position falls to us. This is simple fact and I would argue that the world as a whole is fortunate that it is the United States to whom this role has fallen and not the Communist Chinese. I can think of no other time in history when such a great power has used it's riches so benevolently.

The reasons for this rambling attempt at pseudo intellectualism on my part is simple. The left constantly attacks America for our intervention and or policies in other countries. To them we can do nothing right. No matter the countless billions of American tax dollars we might ship to the Third World, no matter the crops we assist in bringing in, the food and water and infrastructure we provide, it is always America who is at fault for daring to intervene in the first place. This translates to "Give me your money yankee and then go home!" Excuuuuse me? We get no say, no input on the expenditure of the money that we provide? No but for 15 billion, we can be villified throughout the Third World and have our flag burned. What a bargain, and I get to watch it on the evening news. Sorry folks, it doesn't work that way. We pay, we get a say. This is another problem with the so called global economy. We can't engage in trade using two sets of rules. Playing by two sets of rules perpetually hamstrings American traders and has given us a massive trade deficit. That is not fair trade and if that is what our billions get us, well then in my humble opinion, the less fortunate nations will just have to find other markets for their cheap trinkets, email scams and electronics. We once manufactured everything here at home and it can be done again if we put our national will into it.

Can anyone name for me even 10 true democracies in the Third World? If you can, I'll spring for a prime rib dinner. (Unless you happen to be a vegan reader who stumbled in here by mistake in which case you're on your own and the anarchy blog is just down the cyberhall, make a left.) I have been taken to task for revelling in the beauty of Lake Tahoe in the fall reminding me what a special place we live in. Well I stand by that, America is a special place and it is so because of the freedoms which our forefathers were courageous enough to fight for. Freedoms which are far too scarce in most of the world. Of course to bring that up to a leftist will usually just get you a puzzled look because to them, everyone should WANT to live in a government subsidized world where you never have to make a choice. The government provides not only your housing, food, clothing and train of thought but by doing so engages in the very tyranny which caused those Colonials to throw off the yoke of English rule.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Still working on this weeks rant although I did manage to discuss it and bounce some of it off of my lovely and talented wife. Speaking of lovely and talented, it's time for this week's Republicandy. This week in deference to the high tech training I attended, we display the charms of the Digital Goddess, Kim Komando. Beauty, Brains and a Republican what a trifecta. Catch her radio show on Saturdays if you need computer help or just something to listen to...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Well dear readers, as forecast, this week activity is going to be somewhat low in these parts. I'm fortunate enough to be attending some hi-tech training in South Lake Tahoe and the commute is eating up my online time. The drive is beautiful though. This is the most beautiful time of year around here, the Aspens, Birch, Maples and Cottonwoods all changing color. The drive along the lakeshore with the first rays of sunlight bouncing off the oranges, reds and golden hues of the forest, truly awe inspiring. Now some of you are probably wondering why I'm waxing so poetic about the scenery. Well it's a reminder to me of what a special country we live in. A place I believe is worth defending and of course, the whole time I've been enjoying the scenery, I've been getting my boxers in a twist over the so-called global economy. That will be the topic of this weeks rant, just as soon as I can get enough time to compose it.

In the meantime, speaking of's some for comparison...

This is your brain:

This is your brain on drugs:

And you have to wonder why I vote Republican?

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Sunday, October 19, 2003

This weeks recipe, Smilin' Paul's Surf and Turf. This is so simple it almost shouldn't count as a recipe, more like a food tip. This here recipe calls for New York Strips but any good steak will suffice. I know Pointman may argue this but for my money there is no finer piece of beef than the New York Strip. Ok, maybe the ribeye comes in close. Nonetheless, here we go. You need to get some ingredients and this is a short shopping list.

New York Strip Steaks. I prefer certified Black Angus Beef but you can use whatever you like.

1 pound 12-20 shrimps. (about the size of your thumb)

1 bottle K.C. Masterpiece Garlic Herb marinade.

First off, peel them shrimp and toss them in a ziploc bag with some of the marinade. Seal it and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour. One hour before cooking, remove the steaks from the refrigerator and let them set at room temperature. Then prep your grill. If you're using charcoal you'll need all of the hour to get those coals right but if you have the Lazy-Q like me, you wait until 10 minutes before cooking and set the fire on high. Get that grill good and hot. Just before I throw the steaks on the grill, I like to paint them with olive oil and then season with salt, pepper, garlic and red pepper flakes. Or you can buy Montreal Steak Seasoning. Either way. The olive oil helps the steaks by keeping them from sticking to your grill. Once on, start that timer. I usually keep mine on about 7-8 minutes a side but this will largely depend on your grill. Once the steaks are flipped, it's time to throw those shrimps on because they'll cook fast. Keep a good eye on them as you don't want them under or overcooked. Couple minutes per side on the shrimp is all you'll need.

Once everything is done to your liking, (7-8 mins per side on a 1" thick steak on my grill translates to a nice medium rare) remove the shrimp and wrap them in foil to keep them warm until you can serve them. Around the Villa Ranchito we enjoyed this dish several times this past summer and did so again tonight. Serve the steak and shrimp up with a simple spinach salad and some garlic bread...hijo le mano...oh yeah, don't forget an ice cold Pacifico beer to round out this weeks culinary adventure. Simple yes, almost no prep work but a finer meal you'd be hard pressed to locate...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Happy Days are here again...'cause I'm rooting for the Maaarlins...happy days are here again...the damnedyankees lose game 1 of the World Series. C'mon fish, you can do it, please don't subject me to the tender mercies of all the damnedyankee fans I work with. Today being Sunday it's probably going to be a day of low activity around these parts. Fall pruning is underway and that means a dump run. I will get this weeks recipe up later tonight and my apologies to reader Chris Banks, Reno Nevada. He had wanted a lasagna recipe and we've run into some technical difficulties. I don't post recipes I haven't tried out myself or sampled somewhere and while I have a killer lasagna recipe, I can't find it. So in the meantime, I'm waiting for another copy of it and hopefully we'll get it up next week. In the meantime as fall is here and the nice grilling days are coming to a close, I'm going to post my own version of surf and turf which is grilled New York Strips and marinated shrimp. You'll have to check back later tonight for the recipe.

In other news, I'll be away training for the next two weeks. This may impact my ability to access news and work up rants. Just a little warning in case activity around here lags. Keep checking in for news though. I hope to be able to keep up and of course in the event of truly horrific leftist treachery, (is there any other kind?) I will be here at WKWR with the trenchant political commentary you've come to expect.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, October 17, 2003

I don't know how they do it. For the last week I've been a Cubs and Red Sox fan. For one lousy week. Today I am suffering what ABC termed the "agony of defeat" after the Red Sox managed to blow that late lead and give the damnedyankees yet another World Series appearance. I can't imagine this kind of suffering for generations. You tell me that these teams aren't cursed? The Red Sox certainly are, cursed last night with incredible stupidity on the part of their manager. Grady Little should have yanked Pedro Martinez in the 7th inning. Pedro was getting rocked and the breaks were starting to head towards the damnedyankees. How many pitches did Pedro throw? Something like 495? Get him out of there and bring in Wakefield earlier for a different look, especially when Wakefield has been a better starter for you during the playoffs than Martinez. Or bring in Embree or Lowrey anyone...just don't leave Martinez in there on fumes. I'm sorry Red Sox fans. For a week I was one of you. I suffered and laughed with all of you, Charlie D, Lou, Art and Petie but now it's back to "Wait'll next year" and in the meantime more insufferable damnedyankee fans. Go Fish....I can't bear another title in New York.

In other news around these parts, I want all of you my cyber-constituents to begin scouring the net for pics (nothing x-rated) of your favorite Republican or conservative women. I'll post a different pic weekly to demonstrate the superior beauty of Conservative women. I got this idea from the JerseyGOP website where they have a "Republican Babe of the Week". Well around here, we'll just call this feature "Republicandy". Without further delay, here is this week's Republicandy, radio talk show host and bestselling author, Laura Ingraham. Check out her latest book, Shut Up and Sing, How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the UN are Subverting America.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Oh that hurts. Wags, you have my sympathies. The Cubby loss in Game 7 last night was the train wreck that we all saw coming. Game 6 was the quick bleed out from a sucking chest wound but then we had all day Wednesday to think about the horrors that awaited us in Game 7. Now I grew up an A's fan and once again they managed to disappoint this year but I have nothing to complain about. In my lifetime they've garnered 4 World Series titles and challenged for several more. There is really only a couple of baseball teams I really dislike. OK, I hate them. The damnedyankees because of the countless A's that have ended up on Steinbrenners' payroll, a number so high sometimes I think we're a damnedyankees farm team. Besides which, everyone who knows of my Southern sympathies understands how easy it is to hate the damnedyankees. Then we have the Dodgers. Why do I hate the Dodgers? Well my second favorite team is the Giants and that alone should be reason enough but if it's not I'll give you one more. October 15, 1988. The sickest day of my life including illness. The night that Kirk Gibson launched a walkoff piece bomb over Jose Canseco's head to end Game 1 of the World Series. The A's never recovered from that headshot and mailed in the rest of the Series.

Anyways the reason I'm subjecting you all to this musing about baseball is because last night I was the biggest Cub fan in the world. I think all of America save Miami was probably pulling for the Cubbies. Now that moron Dusty Baker can talk all he wants about there not being a curse on his team but then all of America now knows better. Today we'll see if the Red Sox can finally shake the Curse of the Bambino after 85 years. As Charlie D said to me last week, the only way for the Sox to shake this curse is to slay the dragon in damnedyankee stadium. The stage is set and I pray they can do it because if the World Series comes down to the damnedyankees and the Marlins, I've gotta root for the fish.

Should the damnedyankees win yet another title, it'll be a looooooong winter and I'll have to put up with the many damnedyankee fans at work being smug and intolerable. The only thing I'll have to console myself is that 4 work mantra that Red Sox and Cubby fans have been repeating now for generations..... "There's always next year..."

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

What a brutal weekend. Big thanks to my brothers who made the long haul from the Bay Area to help me throw up a patio roof. Sadly, both my Niners and Raiders blew close games this week and my beloved Texas Longhorns didn't do anything but run into a kitchen tool. Coach Hargus "Pig" Hughes shed more than one tear this weekend as the strains of Boomer Sooners rang out over the Cotton Bowl. Since the weekend was a total disaster from a sporting point of view let me jump right back into our bread and butter..

We're into another week here at WKWR so lets go straight to the mailbag where we answer this weeks question. This week the mailbag included a missive from Russ in Reno who asks:

"Dear Smilin' Paul

Although none are fit for the job, which of the remaining nine Democrats would
do the least damage to this great country as President of the United States?"

Russ in Reno

Of course the right answer is none of 'em. But around here I always provide a little something in the way of explanation for my opinion. Sometimes it even makes sense. One of the problems confronting the democrats right now is that they have more candidates for president than hookers at an Elks Convention. Not all of them are qualified to be president whether because of their work experience, past practice or mental acuity, (which is a nice way of saying that at least a couple of the candidates are just plain psycho.) In my humble opinion, the nine remaining candidates are also disqualified for what can only be described as their hatred for the America we know or by corrupt or seditious behavior.

"Crazy Al" Sharpton, race baiting huckster and con man extraordinaire. At least he doesn't portray himself as anything else. "Crazy" Al doesn't stand a snowballs' chance in hell of winning the election because Americans will instinctively know that this man isn't qualified to run a used car dealership. Do you really want to put him in charge of the federal budget? You'll see armored government SUVs chopped, decked and lowered with gold trim and loaded with 40's driving the streets of Harlem. Courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Carol Moseley Brown. This corrupt wonder, who even the voters of Illinois couldn't stomach for a second term has no business being president of the Junior League much less of the United States. Drummed out of office after one term in the Senate, IMPEACHED ex-President Clinton, pandering to the black vote, appointed her ambassador to New Zealand. At least down there she would have a hard time damaging our foreign interests unless of course the Strategic Reserve of Kiwi fruit had dwindled. Her famous quote this last week was that "Men had ruined the country and it was time for a woman to fix it." Riiiight...sorry Carol I forgot how Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt had ruined the country....another thing I didn't learn in school. (Amazing considering the left leaning inclinations of most teachers these days..)

Wesley Clark. Or Ashley as he is fondly known here. How the hell do you take a man who claims he isn't really a military man even though he spent thirty odd years in uniform serving the country? I guess he is ashamed of his service. Besides which, democrats are hailing him as a saviour for the party. Because democrats realize that they have strayed and become too beholden to leftist special interests and they no longer resonate with the average American voter. The problem there is that Ashley Clark is no Dwight Eisenhower. Bosnia was not the Invasion of Europe and his own peers are claiming that he had ethical issues. Of course he's from Arkansas and was a Rhodes Scholar. Anyone else see any parallels here? Lastly his famous statement about being a Republican if Karl Rove had only returned his calls is yet more evidence that like most democrats, he is a naked opportunist.

John Edwards. What do you say about a filthy rich trial attorney who sees himself as presidential timber after only 4 yrs in the Senate? Fortunately for Americans it takes more than good hair and teeth to win the presidency. (JFK being an exception but then that was the beginning of the TV age, we're more jaded now.) Anyone else find it suspicious that much of his campaign donations were obtained from paralegals working at firms where he had partners who were donors? We all know those fabulously wealthy paralegals line up to give away campaign contributions. Nope, Edwards is done since he can't even poll well in his own North Carolina. Here is a southerner who can't carry his own state. Did the democrats learn anything in 2000? We'll see.

Next up is John Kerry. This poor bastard has a double whammy misfortune. He looks french and he's from the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts which means he's only slightly right of Leonid Brezhnev. Kerry opines that he's a Vietnam War Hero which means he brings it up at every opportunity. Unfortunately for him, his post war behavior has been largely excreble which means he hasn't been getting too many speaking gigs with the VFW. Kerry wants to raise taxes and thinks abortion on demand is a good idea. These aren't exactly ideas which are going to carry Georgia or Mississippi. Stick a fork in him, he's done.

Dick Gephardt. Vanilla. In a democrat race with almost 32 candidates to choose from, boring are the people who vote for vanilla. Gephardt's claim to fame is that he is the failed antecedent to Nancy "Stretch Tite" Pelosi and he also holds the Guiness World Record for jumping into bed with the most union bosses. Gephardt doesn't stand a chance because he doesn't poll well in his neighboring Iowa and Americans will never elect a president who doesn't have eyebrows.

Dennis Kucinich. The Singin' Mayor. Kind of like some commie ballerina at the Boshoi. Kucinich actually makes french looking John Kerry look like a moderate but he is such a diminutive wacko that one wonders what possesses this mope to think he can be president. I'll give him one thing, he does resemble a president of a math club. Of course that was the same guy who got shoved into lockers in high school. Kucinich is such a long shot, he doesn't even rate a line at Harrahs.

Joe Lieberman, the so-called "conscience" of the Senate. A nickname he earned for rebuking loathsome IMPEACHED ex-president Clinton during the impeachment hearings. Lieberman stands apart from the rest of the dems because he actually favors the War on Terror and our actions in Iraq. What makes him a democrat? Liebermans' lack of principle when he accepted Gores invitation to run as his vice presidential candidate despite a number of policy disagreements with Gore. Then there is the matter of his accepting huge campaign contributions from Hollywood pinkos while heaping abuse on the film industry. He may have been right about Hollywoods' excesses but to turn around and accept their money makes him a hypocrite. Lieberman stated this week that he wants to raise taxes on the rich. His idea of rich? If you make over $200K a year in your household. While I'm not quite in that rareified air, I'd hardly call that rich. I call that a bunch of Republicans. Lieberman can't win because he puts people to sleep when he talks and Americans can't abide someone with a combover and sideburns as president.

That brings us to Howie "Nikita" Dean. Former Governor of Ben and Jerry's. A man who has shown that he can raise millions from brain dead internet surfers who worry more about where their next doobie is coming from while suffering angst over the living conditions of lab rats. Howie Dean plays a credible angry white male but he's angry at all the wrong things which explains why he always looks like he's about 1 Singapore Sling away from snapping. Dean's claim to fame of course is that he wants to legalize gay marriage and raise taxes. Check, those values sure are going to carry South Carolina and Texas. Dean has done an admirable job of galvanizing the far left nuts who are the rudder of the modern democrat party. When Dean get's beaten, I hope we can at least get a copy of his supporter list so we'll know exactly where to look for the suspects the next time a Hummer dealership gets torched.

So Russ in Reno, if I have to make a call right now, I'd say that Howie "Nikita" Dean wins this deal and then Republicans enjoy a huuuuuuge victory next November. I know I'm getting my scotch and cigars ready for a joyous election day. The democrats are simply too beholden to unions, trial lawyers and other special interest groups that no longer resonate with middle America. I hope they don't figure this out before next November and that in the meantime, we can enjoy the comedy provided by these presidential wannabees.

As always I stand ready to answer any of your questions so keep them coming. Remember, I'm only here to shed light on the right.....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Sunday, October 12, 2003

This weeks recipe: Chilaquiles

I didn't figure I would cause such a ruckus with my last recipe but I did. That being the case I want to start right off by crediting my mother for last weeks recipe. This weeks recipe come courtesy of my sister Sue. She may be a lefty but she sure can whip up some chilaquiles and that ain't no lie. If she keeps visiting this site maybe she'll start thinking right oneday. Anyways, without further ado....chilaquiles.

This is a wonderful use for them extra corn tortillas you got laying around the refrigerator and makes a good breakfast, lunch or supper. Plays well with bits of chicken, eggs or beef. It's kind of like Mexico's answer to chow mein.

Herdez salsa verde
queso fresco (part skim milk cheese) mozzarella or jack will work in a pinch
olive oil (enough to cover the bottom of your skillet to about 1/8")
eggs or cooked chicken or beef
4-6 corn tortillas

Put the olive oil into a skillet on medium high heat and once hot, tear pieces of corn tortillas into the oil. Keep the pieces moving so they brown evenly and absorb some of the oil. In the meantime, beat two eggs per person in a separate bowl. When the chips begin to get golden, drain excess oil if needed and add the eggs, as they firm up, add cheese to your liking and the salsa last. The idea is to obtain crispy chips with a hot mixture of salsa, eggs and melted cheese. Serve it up with refried beans for breakfast or as a snack anytime. As indicated, chunks of chicken or ground beef serves equally well in this dish.

Next week, in response to readers requests, we'll get out an Italian recipe. In the meantime, if y'all have recipes you want to share, send them to me and I'll put them up with proper accreditation.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, October 10, 2003

I can't help but smile everytime I see this picture. Mostly because I can relate to the sentiment expressed, especially each time I hear a particularly strident leftist mouthing the party line. The latest crazy from the democrat party? Ashley Clark who said in the democrat debate last night that we (the United States) need to go to the United Nations for approval of such foreign policy matters as the War in Iraq and any other intervention where we might bruise some feelings.

What tripe but typical of the democrat party line of late. Unless we're granting massive sums of money to the Third World, we need to get UN approval for any and all foreign policy decisions. HELLLLLLOOOOOO!!!! Bueller? Bueller?...Bueller????

Do you people get it now? The democrats and the other detritus on the left want nothing less than for us to abdicate our sovereignity in order to subject ourselves to the whims of Third World dictators and their representatives at the UN. Of course, if we happen to have a spare 15 billion around they'll be happy to take it to fight AIDS. Or at least a billion might actually be used to fight AIDS, the rest of it, removed from American taxpayers hard earned paychecks, would no doubt end up providing a comfortable nest egg for the dictator du jour. So everytime I hear a democrat or lefty start the mantra about the World Community and our need to get UN permission to safeguard our nation and it's citizens, all I can say is...."Aw Geez, not this shit again.."

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Some of you might have noticed that I have slowly been adding links to the sidebar on this here website. The latest is a link for ESPN. This was tough decision to make as it basically came down to ESPN or CNNSI. I selected ESPN despite the shoddy way they treated Rush Limbaugh, simply because CNN has been so horribly slanted to the left for so many years that it far outweighed ESPN's lapse. Besides, sports are eventually going to be a topic here even though it's been a tough time to be a Bay Area sports fan. First the Giants, then the A's go down. Now as if that isn't bad enough, both the Raiders and the Niners are playing like a bunch of sick nuns. Well hell...go Red Sox....If any of you have suggestions for additional links, please e-mail them to me.

Now then, back to our bread and butter...politics. I hope everyone here caught the news clip of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco speaking about the recall in California. This woman obviously despises democracy and by extension is filled with hatred of our country. There she was, for all the world to see complaining about the nightmare she endured on Tuesday night. Then she went on to snivel about how elected officials should not have to constantly watch their backs for worry about being removed from office. HELLLLLLLLLLO!!!! Does anyone out there besides me see a problem with this? Stretch Tite Pelosi doesn't want to be held accountable. The will of the voters, the consent of the governed, pillars of our Constitutional Republic are an inconvenience to her. Like Hillary's shrill call for abolishment of the Electoral College in the aftermath of the 2000 election, this rant from the bride of Skeletor should demostrate to any reasonable person that the leftwing isn't concerned with you, the electorate or the desires of the common person. They are simply concerned with obtaining power. Power that they will use to advance a socialist agenda designed to make you pay more taxes, deny you your right to bear arms and to turn America into just another Third World paradise.

Good Morning people...grab a cup of joe, read the paper and then gird yourselves to the upcoming battle in 2004. Get rid of Nancy Pelosi and her ilk because they are truly a threat to the founding principles of this great Nation.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

VICTORY IN CALIFORNIA!!! While I would have preferred McClintock I will gladly take Arnold. The grim faces on the scores of democrats interviewed last night on the various news channels and the vitriolic spew coming out of the posts over on democratic underground had me grinning like a gopher in soft dirt all night. While I hold no hope that Arnold will be able to effect great change, if he can maintain some semblance of popularity, it will force the dems to spend heavily to defend California in next years presidential election and that is something they cannot afford to do. One man cannot save California from itself. Now if the voters continue the trend and begin to get rid of some of the democrat flotsam that has been elected over the years, then perhaps the luster can be restored to the Golden State.

I just caught a Washington Post byline on the Drudgereport. Bustamecha was described as a "Moderate" Democrat. Can you honestly tell me there is no liberal bias in the media now? A Moderate Democrat? By their standards, Chairman Mao would be only slightly to the left of Teddy Kennedy. (Although both do hail from a People's Republic.) In any event, I believe a small celebration is in order...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Monday, October 06, 2003

Tomorrow, October 7, 2003, Ann Coulter reminds us what we're fighting for....get out and vote!!!

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

For those of you just tuning in, one of the features of the old weekly rant and recipe which I e-mailed out was a forum of sorts. I invited questions each week and some of you took the opportunity to either ask me questions or offer commentary which I took the liberty of addressing in the weekly missive. We're off to a fast start once again because reader Greg Blair, Sparks Nevada has e-mailed me the following:

Smiling Paul, what is your take on the up coming California recall election?

Concerned Nevadan Greg Blair

Tomorrow is D-Day in California. The assault will begin at 0700 hrs when legions of poll workers open up their garage doors, school auditoriums and neighborhood meeting halls to masses of Californians waiting to vote in the recall election. Would that the storming of Omaha Beach 59 years ago have been this easy. Of course when discussing California politics nothing is easy. This last week has been especially trying for conservatives as we've had to witness what can only be described as an overwhelming if not concerted media blitz on both Rush Limbaugh and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sheesh, if only we'd had the same level of vetting by the LA Times on allegations of sexual harrassment against Bill Clinton, well then Al Gore might have been an incumbent in 2000. I'm trying to juxtapose all of the recent events against my experience of growing up in California and I don't want to get sidetracked here so I'm going to attempt to keep this entry about the recall. However, a couple of thoughts seem to go hand in glove here...I've been reading and thoroughly enjoying Ann Coulter's meticulously researched book Treason and I've come to a conclusion shared by many of my conservative brethren: Liberals hate America. The second thought is that you can clearly see that in the saga of the California recall.

First of all, there is the smarmy visage of Cruz Bustamecha, Governor wannabee and proponent of additional socialist burdens for the taxpayers of California. The young Cruz must have been a real hoot on campus. Running around with communists, activists and ne-er do wells under the umbrella of MeCHA. For those of you who don't know, MeCHA is an alleged latino student movement. Of course, this particular student group calls for the return of California and the Southwest to Mexico. Failing that, they fantasize about establishing a new nation of Aztlan on the ashes of the evil, anglo California. With fortunes favor tomorrow, the only ashes remaining will be the embers of Davis' and Bustamecha's campaigns. Not all Californians are brain dead, the dive in Cruz' poll numbers roughly attended the revelation that not only was he an unrepentant apologist for MeCHA but that he steadfastly refused to repudiate them. Clearly, this man does not love America. Hopefully, Californians of Hispanic extraction, who are legally allowed to vote, will put the interests of the State above the hollow promises of a man who despises the foundations of the country he resides in.

Then we have Gray Davis his ownself. This man continually displays either incredible ignorance of the principles of Constitutional Government or he simply hates America. Davis has railed since the beginning against the recall. Of course he wants to retain his job, but to do so at the expense of 32 million Californians. It is of little consequence to him that the recall is provided for in the State's Constitution and even more irrelevant that the recall drive was scrupulously legal in it's execution. No matter, it's a conspiracy by radical right wingers Davis says. Would that there were that many right wingers in California. If there were, perhaps it would more accurately resemble the Golden State of lore than a bankrupt republic approaching Third World status. Not to worry though, if Davis retains his job, Californians can always look forward to acceptance into the Organization of American States and a seat on the UN Human Rights Commission. Davis' disastrous policies have brought the state into a fiscal nightmare and his object of blame? The right wingers who dare to sign a recall petition and outside influences in the oil bidness who set him up. Of course Gray, it's all a vast right wing conspiracy, and as I indicate in my tagline, I'm a proud member of it. As one almost Republican candidate for your job might say, "hasta la vista".

Tom McClintock, what can I say. I wish you had the name recognition. This man is a common sense politician who champions conservative causes. I wish I was still a resident just so I could vote for him. Of course if I was a democrat, I could still vote in California, residency being an annoying obstruction to the electoral process for most leftists. No doubt the legions of political workers tomorrow will include armies of democrat activists. They will begin the day early, before the sun comes up observing democrat rituals in graveyards statewide. Praying for the redemption of their chosen candidate? Hardly, instead they will be gathering names from tombstones for comparison against voter registration lists in an attempt to garner a few more votes. Others will be visiting Costco and Sams Club for wholesale prices on cigarettes and whiskey which can be used to buy the votes of homeless bums in larger cities like San Francisco and LA. Finally the vans will come to the soup kitchens to transport both the willing and unwilling to the polls with instructions on who to vote for. (The vote for D or no whisky plan.)

Ironic isn't it? The democrats can find vans to transport disinterested bums to the polls but not to deport illegal aliens. Can it be any more clear that the left hates America? Well Mr. Blair of Sparks, Nevada, should the democrats hold the statehouse tomorrow, you can look forward to lots of new friends and neighbors in Nevada as the exodus continues. You asked for my take, I say take Arnold and the under, thanks to democrat mud slinging, the polls are slipping. This is the same play the dems ran in the final minutes against the juggernaut Bush team in that classic 2000 game. Y'all remember that last second play? It was called 25 year old DUI, public record, media blitz, Kennebunkport, set red. Not as successfully run as the 49ers own, 38 blue, Omaha, jet right, which won the 1989 Super Bowl but nonetheless a desparate gamble.

This leads me to a final thought, as much as I dislike some of Schwarzenegger's positions, I say vote for him. Just maybe, with a Republican in Sacramento, we can force the dems to spend millions to keep California out of play next year. If California is in play in the 2004 elections, the dems are in a world of hurt, while GW has shown he can win without it, the dems absolutely cannot win without it nor can they afford to spend millions to safeguard a state which they are already counting in their column. Vote Arnie, vote early and if you know a democrat voting for Arnold, tell them to vote often...they will anyways...until next time..

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Sunday, October 05, 2003

This weeks recipe will be first up because really, I need to gather my thoughts about the political stew thats simmering next door in California which I hope to address later today. First though I've got to pick up a half ton of hay and then make a run to Costco. Then I can indulge in sports and blogging. So without further delay, here is Smilin' Paul's Chili Colorado..

First off you'll need a couple ingredients:

1 bone in pork butt roast. (for heaven's sake, don't buy injected pork)
2 cans 28 oz of Las Palmas red chili sauce...medium or hot, your choice
3-4 cloves of garlic
lots of tortillas, corn or flour...

Now then, take those garlic cloves and slice them up, make cuts all around the pork butt and insert the slices of garlic into the pork. Save one clove though and mince it, when the pork goes into the roaster, you can spread the minced garlic around the surface. Now then, sprinkle some salt and pepper on the pork and then place the butt into a heavy roasting pan or skillet on high heat. Brown all sides of the butt and reduce the heat to very low. If you have a roasting pan, now is the time to cover it and let that butt simmer. If you don't have a roasting pan, you can also transfer the butt to a crock pot. The key is to cook it on very low heat and keep it covered. Now you'll check on it frequently and depending on the size of the butt it could take anywhere from a couple hours to 4 or so for it to cook through to tenderness. (Hey if you want quick recipes look on a box of microwave popcorn..)

You'll know the butt is done when you can insert a fork with ease and start shredding the meat. At that point, remove the butt and shred the remainder of the meat. Try not to snack too much and transfer the shredded meat to a skillet and add the Las Palmas sauce. Depending on the size of the butt, you may or may not use both cans. Let the meat and the sauce simmer together for at least 40 mins on very low heat. Then its ready for eatin'.

This dish is wonderful served with Spanish rice and refried beans and plenty of hot tortillas. It is also the filling for my mothers' wonderful tamales at Christmas time so this is really two recipes for the price of one if you know how to prepare masa. Enjoy it. I know I did last week...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

H-Hour draws near. Tomorrow I go on a mission deep behind enemy lines to do research for my next column. You needn't fear for me though. While I will be in enemy territory and while I expect to be bombarded by squishy liberalism at every turn, I also know that like MacArthur, "I shall return"...although in this instance the saying merely heralds a return to hearth, home and my keyboard, not the Phillipines. Upon my return from this perilous journey into California, I will post here my take on next week's recall election. Will Arnie steamroller to victory? Will Gray find redemption as a service station attendant? Can Arriana ever find happiness? Will McClintock become the new darling of the California right? Can Bustamecha pass an Indian casino without hitting the buffet and passing the hat? Answers to these and other compelling questions when we return....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family