Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas to all you faithful, and not only those who adhere to the Christian faith of our Founding Fathers but to those of y'all who check in here regularly just to see what some redneck American of Mexican descent who happens to live in the Nevada desert has to say.

Well the presents are all open and suppers' been had, its time to relax with a little Tennessee corn-squeezin's and some egg nog while chewing on a fine Hatuey seegar. The Villa clan got on the outside of some brown sugar glazed ham and Alabama Christmas spuds. Remind me to post the recipe for those, I swear they're the best potatoes you ever had, the only bad thing is you can only have them once a year unless you're getting frequent flier miles from your cardiologist. Back to the ham though. I can't say enough about ham. It's a humble meat but damn if it isn't just about my favorite. Swine so fine...I've loved ham since I was a kid, I always looked forward to Christmas and Easter because I knew those were two days for sure we'd have ham. Those of y'all enjoying your prime rib and seafood tonight are having some damn fine eats no doubt. But for tradition, give me the divine swine....

Speaking of recipes, you all can look forward to more of those. Thanks to the Christian practice of gift giving a this time of year, Chef Villa is now fully outfitted with a proper set of chef's knives and a mixer. All of which was gratefully accepted on behalf of advancing the culinary habits of the readership of WKWR.

Since it is a holy day, I will even refrain from launching my customary attack upon the forces of secularism who even now are bowing before some false idol and eating baked tofu. Merry Christmas to you all too. Once the New Year comes, you can expect that Smilin' Paul will be prepared to unleash verbal double cannister at point blank range to the forces who are trying to destroy us.

Speaking of destruction, my fantasy football franchise, led by ever-quotable Coach Hargus "Pig" Hughes has once again managed to take a League Championship. In a hard fought contest, the Nevada Bombers bested the Reno Hooligans and that it 2 championships in the last 3 years. A new sports dynasty is obviously here. Now that that football season is behind us, I can concentrate on school and exposing the neverending follies and hypocrisy of the left. Until then though, Merry Christmas...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, December 22, 2006

Hey there sportsfans, been a couple weeks or so and for that I apologize. Generally I'm better prepared for the Christmas Season, especially since it's my favorite time of year. My Christmas lights go up on my house the weekend before Halloween in preparation. We get our tree the first weekend after Thanksgiving and the lights stay on until after Epiphany. If I can't squeeze a couple months out of the Christmas Season I'm just not happy. Like I say, I'm usually better organized but I've been busier than a one legged man in a butt kickin' contest with research papers and work. Top it off with creditless shopping and that means I had to endure the horror of horrors for American males....trips to the mall during Christmas shopping season.

You see as a technologically savvy shopper, I have grown quite accustomed to Christmas shopping online from the convenience of my desk. Sure you pay a lot of shipping but when you live 18 miles from the nearest mall, think of the gas you save at 2 and a half bucks a gallon. I've discovered that while the promise of a credit debt free January is nice, shopping at Christmas without a credit card is terribly inconvenient and it means multiple mall trips. Something I really haven't had time to do. Hell, even as I write this, I still have some last minute shopping to knock out and I haven't done that in years.

Oh well, I might as well enjoy the last Christmas we get before the party of sedition takes over the Congress. With their anti-God stance and secular beliefs, we Christians might be driven underground. It's already beginning at William and Mary College. Seems there's a chapel on campus and someone whose group held regular meetings there sniveled about feeling oppressed due to the presence of a cross in the chapel. Imagine that, a cross in a chapel!!! Whoda thunk? Naturally the academic elites that run 90% of the American education system knuckled under to the oppressed minority. Although I suspect that the cave in was only an elaborate act in an otherwise orgiastic display of solidarity with the anti-God crowd. The schools' administrators decided that the cross had to be removed whenever there was a meeting at the chapel. In an act of incredible magnanimity however, the administrators are allowing the cross to be brought back out for Sunday services and at the request of any meeting group.

Good Lord please protect us from ourselves. Political correctness is killing this country people. Perhaps many of you don't care but I beleive in a place called America. It was a place where I grew up. Unfortunately myself, my friends and our cohort haven't been smart enough or strong enough to keep the America our parents and grandparents bequeathed to us. In our never ending vanity, we pursue a socialist utopian dream that has no possible hope of fruition simply because of human nature. To continue this pursuit spits in the face of our Founding Fathers, the greatest amalgam of political philosophers that ever graced the earth. Surely that congregation was ordained by God. Unless you attend public schools. In which case we just got stupidly lucky and then we mucked it up by not listening to Marx.

Well you all may beleive in coincidence like that. Certainly a belief in American Exceptionalism is not currently en vogue. Well I've been a cop too long to believe in coincidence and I prefer the hope that Providence played some part in our founding and may yet deliver us from our own follies...In the meantime sportsfans, wish me well in my fantasy league playoffs and I'll check back in before we depart for blue America next Wed. May you all enjoy a very Merry Christmas and may each of you take some time that day to remember what we celebrate.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I know for fact that I've posted since 11-20 but seems like Blogger's been eating my work since they've been jacking around with it. Hopefully this one goes through. In case some lib'rul happens to be wandering by today and doesn't know it, today is the 65th Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. More popularly known around my workmates as the day Smilin' Paul encourages them to "ticket a Toyota".

All kidding aside though folks, can there be a more poignant bookend to this anniversary than the treasonous report released by the Iraq Surrender Group? I'm having enough trouble dealing with the thought of Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid and now I have to contemplate our surrender to islamofascism. Dear God in Heaven forgive us, we have utterly betrayed the memory of the Greatest Generation. We call it quits when in 3 years we lose as many casualties as it cost us in one day of fighting in Normandy. Don't get me wrong either, I lay a large portion of the blame on the Republicans and the President. I said before that he should have immediately moved to enlarge the Army, called for a national force of volunteers, which in post 9-11 America he would have had in a week and then used them to pulverize the enemy.

Instead of the gloves coming off though, we put them on. In lacing them up ever tighter we continue to dishonor the sacrifice of our parents. What has happened to us? Well a lot of things. Multiculturalism and diversity have slowly sapped American exceptionalism. We no longer stand for anything and apparently most of our countrymen don't care either. I read the other day that a majority of American High School students can't identify who the United States fought in WWII. People that is our legacy. We were too busy rebelling against our folks, believing the Marxist, post-modern bullshit history that is now accepted in this country. We got to enjoy letting our kids play on their Nintendos because it kept them occupied, instead of teaching them about the country where those Nintendos were made, and what that country did to us 65 years ago today.

Someone on noted that we bombed the Japanese into utter submission and today they are our biggest friends. Perhaps that should have been a suggestion from the Iraq Surrender Group, bomb them back to the Stone Age and in 2071 they'll be our staunchest allies. If not, all we lost was some high explosive iron and we just might have killed some of our enemies. I know this, I am not letting my family go down without fighting back. Today when I kissed my son goodbye before he left for school, I reminded him that it was Pearl Harbor Day. He nodded and when I came home he told me he let his teacher know what day it was. Sadly, she didn't elect to inform the class, so I suspect that even in a good Catholic school, 1st grade is considered too young to impart that lesson. Fortunately I don't. In the past couple years, my son and I spent Pearl Harbor Day watching Tora, Tora, Tora. Not today. Tonight I brought him up to the computer and I made him read articles about Pearl Harbor and look at pictures of our shattered fleet. I explained to him how the world changed for everyone on that day. Then I sat with him and we listened to streaming audio of BBC and CBS newsflash announcements of the attack.

If enough of us take the time to educate our children correctly about the past, then when their time comes to lead, they will be able to draw the correct conclusions from their history. It's hard, it takes time and patience and love. Love not only for your children but for your country. I don't expect any lib'ruls will be doing this. They'll explain WWII away as yet another American war for oil. Thats ok though, because I am devoting the rest of my life to deconstructing the socialist history that they have been pushing on you, me and our children. One of these days, I'll explain just what I mean.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family