Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Sunday, October 31, 2004

What a beautiful weekend. If most of you folks are like me and been going nuts with trying to read the tealeaves otherwise known as the polls. If you're about half crazy with campaign adds and just want this election to be over, then stick around because I'm not here to talk politics today. Sorry for the lack of posts and featurettes, warned you weeks ago. Besides, I don't want that stuff intruding on my pleasant weekend.

First off Friday was a holiday in these parts which meant a drive to the in-laws farm. I took my boy traipsing across alfalfa fields and down along the river where I looked for fishing holes and showed him his first deer tracks. We followed the tracks and then had a blast throwing rocks and sticks into the river. A beautiful crisp day among the brilliant colors of the cottonwoods, birches, maples and dogwoods. Yesterday my boy got to ride his pony for the first time since we brought her out. What a thrill to watch as he walked and trotted. He even got bucked for the first time and of course he cried but Momma was there to get him back on and sure enough he did and he rode some more. What a trooper.

Today, well today was nothing but yardwork and preparation for the trick or treaters tonight. Sure I wish my fantasy football team had done better but I can still win it tomorrow night. When you turn out a couple of perfectly smoked beercan chickens for supper alongside some bbq beans and homemade potato salad, well it kinda puts all your troubles into place. Besides it was another day to enjoy, walking my daughter around the neighborhood and pointing out the sights to her. We even sat outside on the porch for trick or treaters even though it was colder than a brass toilet seat on the shady side of an iceberg out there tonight.

Sorry to ramble along but I'm trying to keep the nerves in check. It was a good weekend and no matter what happens come Tuesday, that big blue marble we call home is gonna keep on spinning. Of course now I plan on working harder than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest for the next two days to make sure that Tuesday is a night to celebrate and not a night to forget...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

So sorry please. Been a rough week around here ever since I went squirrly and started musing about the change of seasons. Ended up getting sick and sheesh, even the Boston Red Sox are in the World Series. Looks like the world's done been turned upside down. So I won't even mention how I grilled 4 perfect examples of prime American steak tonight under a beautiful crisp, deep blue/black autumn sky. I won't wax poetically about the tenderness of the perfectly seared beef and the crunch of alfalfa as the horses dined in a setting out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Besides, there's serious work ahead in the 7 days we have left to prevent another slide into the abyss of socialist experiments in government.

Speaking of Socialist Republics, you'd think that more than anyone else, the denizens of the People's Republic of Massachusetts would look around and say, "You know something Mabel? we really are better off than we were under Clinton...after all, we've won a couple Superbowls and whoda thunk it but the Red Sox are on the verge of a title too....never happened with JFK in office..maybe we should elect more Texans.." Of course that won't happen given the Yankee predisposition to self aggrandizement.

Of course I'm not asking any of you to let up now. We need to work and act like we are 10 pts behind in the polls. The Republican 72 hr plan will be kicking off this weekend and I will be deeply involved here. You too can make a difference. The national polls are all over the place and it's frightening some of you I know. I know because I get your e-mails and see you in the hallway at work and y'all are acting like we've been beat already. Suck it up soldiers and hit that beach! The only poll that counts is the Electoral College and here is a link to an electoral map that shows pretty well that it is better to be looking at the map from President Bushs' boots rather than Senator Kerry's flip flops....

Ok..I got a sick daughter I need to tend to and some late breaking Friday Featurette to bring to your attention, this week our honoree is American Olympic swimmer Haley Cope...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What a beautiful day. Actually it rained and or snowed all day but then that's what made it beautiful. This month we actually marked our first anniversary around here at WKWR and thanks to all of you readers who make it worth my effort. In fact, one of the inspirations I have for posting today, beyond the beautiful weather is from a reader but more on that later. Those of you who have been around a while know that every now and then I can get a little sentimental and wax rhapsodic about something or other. Today is one of those days. Sure it was cold, cloudly and wet all day but now the clouds have started to part and you know what the means?

Beauty....the high desert landscape, darker than before with the richness of the rain. A fresh blanket of snow covering the mountain tops, Peavine and Spanish Peak looking better than ever with a dusting of white but most of all...the colors. The Aspens, Birch, Cottonwoods, Dogwoods, Maples and Poplars exploding in all the fall color palette. From green to yellow and orange and red and brown. What a gorgeous changing of the seasons God has given us....

Of course it's also nice to just enjoy the scenery and type here without making a reference to the P word. Every now and then we do talk sports around here and since the A's and Giants both disappointed me this year and since the Raiders and Niners both suck, I am officially now the world's biggest Red Sox fan...Can they please squeeze out just one more victory and finally drive a stake through the heart of the Curse of the Bambino? Lets hope and pray.

Lastly, because this is the political season and since reader Dan Ferreira of Alameda, Ca. went to the trouble to find some early voters to conduct exit polling on, I am attaching an image he sent. It aptly describes the sentiments around here of the electorate...thanks Dan...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Monday, October 18, 2004

As if you didn't already realize the depths to which the democrats will sink in order to advance the cause of voter fraud. Remember, this is the reason they want to do away with the Electoral College, in order to hold on to power by use of massive fraud if necessary. It is the hope of the DNC and the far left that we will abdicate the legacy of the Framers of the Constitution. Fight this!! Always remember that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.


Additionally, I've got a lot to catch up on here so bear with me. If you are in California and close to Nevada and want to make a difference this election, please come to Nevada on Nov. 1 and 2 and volunteer your time to make phone calls, walk precincts, drive elderly voters to the polls or any other of a million things that will need doing. You can contact me for more information on how to volunteer using the contact smilin' Paul link in the sidebar.

Next item, despite the hurricane of denials, the Frenchurian Candidate, Jean sKerry is still advancing the canard that electing President Bush will result in a draft. Again, the military doesn't want it, it is not funded for it and the Congress must vote to institute it. It is not the perogative of the President.

Last week I was honored enough to see the President once again here in Reno. Some 10,000 Nevadans came out to show their support and it was an enthusiastic crowd. Also campaigning with the President were Senators McCain and Ensign. This week, Reno will be dishonored by the democrat candidate who will be here Friday, pandering for votes on his new platform where he presents himself as the savior. The cheap and tawdry rhetoric coming from the dems is absolutely abominable. Breck Girl Edwards claims last week upon the passing of Christopher Reeve that if John Kerry were in the White House, because of his support for stem cell research, crippled people would walk again. Uh huh, can we get some science to back up the claim or if Jean Kerry actually the Son of God. Next, and I thought sKerry was smart, he brings up as an issue the sexuality of Vice President Cheney's daughter. When Edwards did this during the Vice Presidential debate it was roundly pooh poohed in the press. To think that Jean Kerry would do it yet again suggests that he either needs to badly shore up his base or he is utterly incapable of reasonable thought.

Speaking of cheap and tawdry....and this is especially for reader Dave Ponte of Sparks, Nevada who about this for republicandy....pop tart Britney Spears, who believe it or not, is a supporter of the President.....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV family

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Now why aren't we reading more stories like this? Absolutely inspiring tale of an American fighting man.... NewsFlash - Soldier who lost leg in Iraq war determined to get back to fight

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Well looks like this here Presidential race has gotten tighter than a bull's butt in fly season. I haven't seen any poll this week for Nevada so the best I can do is restate the most recent results which showed the President ahead of Jean Querry some 5 pts. Down at Republican HQ we are working like dogs to get out the vote. The President is doing his share by coming to visit Reno again on Thursday. I'll be working the assignment and only hope to be close enough to hear him speak.

As most of you can imagine, yesterday was an absolute madhouse at the HQ. With the President coming to town, the people flocking to get tickets were endless. The good news is this, we asked many of them if they would like to volunteer their time especially in the run up to election day. Many of those picking up tickets signed up as volunteers. I am especially impressed with the ground game that we are going to be running in Washoe County on election day and the days immediately preceeding the election. I can only hope that a similar game plan and sufficient volunteers are in place in Ohio.

Mark my words now. There will be no repeat of Florida 2000 in Florida. The President has been leading in every poll there and some of them are outside the Margin of Error. I believe that Florida goes to the President handily. Hopefully he has the coat tails to bring along Senator Mel Martinez instead of odious democrat Betty Castor. That said, there is the potential for conflict of the sort we had in Florida in 2000 and I believe that this year the state to watch is Ohio. I pray Ohio falls to the President early because if it doesn't, Nevada will become ground zero and an absolute must win. That makes it exciting certainly, but I don't want exciting, I want a mandate....please help me get the voters to deliver it...VOLUNTEER or contribute to the GOP if you can...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, October 08, 2004

Well some of you readers have really been busting my chops over various things, like the repitition in my Friday Featurettes, the lack of recipes and more frequent updates. So please allow me a moment to address these issues one by one.

Many of the Featurettes I took from the New Jersey GOP website. Of late, I am unable to access their site and so I have to research Republican women on my own. I have very little free time right now to do so. The most important thing we all have to do right now is see to it that President Bush is re-elected and sorry, to my mind that trumps the Friday Featurette. One more month okay?

Recipes...same story, I served notice that they would be going away until after the election. If you have a favorite recipe that isn't something some euro-socialist or sickly environazi would eat, please send it to me and I will happily post it. In the small community of Smilin' Paul adherents, we need to share sometimes.

More frequent updates, some of you are busting my chops about no insight to the Vice Presidential debate...well keep reading. As I said, re-electing the President is the most important thing right now. Besides work and family, I am personally working my posterior off to ensure that Nevada is delivered to the Presidential column on Nov. 2. I hope you all are as well. Nevada is a battleground state and the staffers I have met so far from the Bush Cheney team all state that in their estimation, it is 1 of the 4 most critical in-play states. This may never occur here again so I am working to ensure we make the most of the National opportunity afforded us.

Tuesday I watched the Vice Presidential debate between Vice President Cheney and Senator Edwards. As anyone reading this site knows I am a supporter of the President. That said, I also acknowledged that President Bush turned in a fairly poor performance in last weeks Presidential debate. Tuesday, Vice President Cheney eviscerated Senator Edwards in any assessment that looks at substance. Cheney presented himself as cool and calm and studious. He is obviously possessed of enormous knowledge about government and it's functions. I thought that Vice President Cheney was especially effective in countering attacks from Senator Edwards about the War in Iraq.

Perhaps most importantly, Cheney turned both Senator Kerry and Senators Edwards abysmal records into questionmarks. They portray themselves as supportive of our troops when every vote they've ever cast regarding military spending has been to appease the left wing. Senator Kerry has opposed every major weapons system in the last 20 years while compiling a record absolutely bereft of significant legislative achievement. Senator Edwards for his part did an admirable job of staying on message although his mention of Vice President Cheney's daughter seemed to me to be off limits. Edwards looked too young and inexperienced. I had been worried that Cheney might look old and obsolete. Well perhaps he did look old but his command of the issues was such that I think the American people probably overlooked the age.

Neither candidate made a serious gaffe in my opinion. As I said, I do think that the mention of Vice President Cheney's daughter was low but not a major gaffe on the part of Senator Edwards. Frankly I was surprised at Edwards. During the Democratic primaries I was concerned that he might be the actual Presidential candidate. He looked good and spoke well and presented a moderate image. He seemed the reincarnation of President Clinton. Mercifully the democrats selected Kerry who I think is a much more vulnerable target based exactly upon his record or lack thereof in the Senate. How can you reconcile the stunning percentage of absences from Senate Intelligence Committee meetings that Senator Kerry has? You can't. I sit on the executive board of a labor association and if I missed that many meetings I would be removed from the board quickly.

Afterwards I listened to the media and staffers spin the debate. The consensus seems to be that Cheney won the first part of the debate and Edwards might have won the second. They were also searching for something bad to say about Cheney and so one pundit said he was mean. Good Lord, were they watching the same debate I was? A mature man enters a room with a wealth of knowledge and command of the issues and proceeds to give a lesson to an unaccomplished Vice Presidential wannabee and he is called mean? Such is the level of political discourse in this country at present. Long post and I could have summed it up earlier. To absolutely no one's surprise I thought that Vice President Cheney won the debate.

Lastly and this is just to tweek reader Chris Banks, since in my humble opinion you can never have enough Ann Coulter....our Friday Featurette.....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Just over two hours ago, it was my very great pleasure and high honor to meet the First Lady of the United States, Laura Bush. She is a most gracious and charming lady, effusive in her praise for all of those volunteering and fighting to re-elect her husband. I was very fortunate enough to have my picture taken with her by a member of the First Lady's staff. I am told that I will receive a copy of the photo in a couple of months. I pray so and will post it as soon as I get it. I had only a moment to thank the First Lady, to tell her that it is my pleasure to do volunteer work for the President and to offer her God's blessings.

The First Lady was here in Reno to rally the troops. The most recent post-debate polls in Nevada show the President maintaining a lead of 4-5% which is tightened somewhat from the last couple weeks. Now of course it is time for the debate between Vice President Cheney and Senator John Edwards, God willing, the Vice President will take the Breck Girl to the woodshed...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Monday, October 04, 2004

What a black day for Bay Area sports. First I have to suffer the indignity of both the A's and Giants being eliminated from playoff contention and then both the Raiders and Niners lose on Sunday. I already kn0w that the first thing I'm going to see at work tomorrow is a grinning reader Beau Palica who no doubt will enjoy his moment of sporting superiority. That is if Beau made it back from Vegas in one piece. He may be a Rams fan but he is foremost a capitalist. If I recall, he took the Niners and the points.....

So does anyone out there believe the USA Today poll that claims the debate has evened things back up? According to USA Today, the race is now deadlocked at 49-49 again. Well just where are those pesky undecided voters? Surely 100% of them didn't suddenly break for the Frenchurian Candidate. Of course then there is a slew of other polls that all show the President still maintaining a lead of from 2-6% depending on which one you're reading. Well I don't think there is any doubt that the debate caused some consternation among conservatives. Senator Kerry never looked better and most Americans are going to judge him on the hour and a half they saw in debate, not the year and a half of the goofy flip flopper we've seen for the last year and a half. The point needs to be driven home that Kerry's record in the Senate is not only forgettable, but utterly abysmal. Not a single noteworthy achievement unless you count his trophy for marrying wealthy socialites. Not every Senator can trade in an heiress worth half a billion for one worth a full billion and not every Senator can claim to have dated Morgan Fairchild. Of course those are not achievements indicative of any ability to LEAD the nation in a time of war.

So as is my recent Monday custom, I spent the morning at Republican Party Headquarters. Let me tell you, tomorrow Reno is going to get a whole lot more beautiful. Thats because tomorrow, the First Lady of the United States and her beautiful twin daughters will be campaigning in Reno for the President. This meant of course that Party Headquarters was a madhouse today. Tickets for the event were available at the office and an unending stream of people were coming in to claim tickets. On top of that, we had more volunteers today and I was happy to see that. Especially as we get closer to the election now, we will need all the help we can get to re-elect the President. Don't forget, you can help, get out and volunteer, if you can't then go to the GOP Website and donate what you can. Remember that the next President is likely to nominate at least one and possibly as many as 3 Supreme Court Justices. It is vital that we replace those justices with solid conservatives who will interpret the Constitution according to constructionist principles and not fly off the handle legislating from the bench.

Lastly never forget to exercise your franchise. The Kerry supporting 527 groups are out there in force, registering voters illegitimately and accepting payment per registrant illegally. Many if not most or all of these are fraudulent voter registrations. Please never underestimate the ability of the left to commit voter fraud in the furtherance of their anti-American agenda. Their lust for power is so great that it over rides any legal or constitutional concerns they might have and if they sense they can win based on the legions of dead, illegal alien and felon voters they register, they will do it. Why else has Kerry already established a group of attorneys prepared to challenge the results of any close election state? Didn't anyone ever teach the left about sportsmanship? I guess not.....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family