Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I know some of you out there still don't believe there's any bias in the media and of course, you're the same folks who believe in the tooth fairy. Well below I've attached a link to a story about a Marine company engaged in a firefight with enemy forces in Afghanistan. If there is no media bias, then please someone explain to me why there is no stories like this in the nightly news? Tom, Dan and Peter can always find something seditious to snivel about and get in another mention about prisoner abuse. Not once though do they attempt to highlight the efforts of our brave and enjoy because these heroes need us to know what they are doing on our behalf.

Marine Ignores Battlefield Wound to Continue Pursuing Taliban Insurgents

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman R-Reno
proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV family

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

Yes...that Senator Clinton, the one who would be President. The shrill one. If that quote isn't straight out of Marx then you lefties haven't been reading up much on your commie history. Apparently Senator Clinton hasn't changed her spots much since her days in college. Is there anyone among you who doesn't understand the entire democrat agenda now? I think that Shrillary, thinking herself safe among friends in the People's Republic of San Francisco, inadvertently let that ill-considered slip past her normally tightly scripted rants. Of course it doesn't matter too much, any way you cut it, lefties in San Francisco were probably beside themselves with joy at the prospect of giving all to the government so that they could decide how to spend it. After all these people were so bereft of brains, they laid out $10,000 each to attend this intellectual book-burning/fund raiser for noted socialist butterfly Nancy Pelosi (C) San Francisco.

Just thinking about that gives me the shakes. I'd rather listen to fingernails being dragged across a blackboard than to a pair of speechs from two of the sedition lobby's pet congressional delegation. But never let it be said that I'm not diverse. I strongly suspect that at least two readers were at that fund raiser and had their pictures taken with Shrillary. Those of you who know them, please take some time to question their patriotism or manhood as you see fit...If you want to know who I suspect, contact me...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Not being one to brag on my cooking, I'm loathe to even mention the two racks of perfectly handcrafted St. Louis ribs that I pulled out of the Laz-E-Q today. Add to that my sister Cris' award winning potato salad with pineapple upside down cake for dessert and you have a feast worthy of a foreign dignitary, unless he happens to be french in which case you can always order from Dominos. What better end to a Sunday than to catch a little tube while sipping some fine 12 yr old Glenlivet, completely content from the half rack of ribs and side potato salad you devoured at early supper? Perfect weekend, Beto having taken to helping out around the corral and even mounting the new horse lately. I finally got him to sit through an entire "Duke" Wayne movie since it had horses in it. Made him watch Fort Apache with me. Ah...those were the days, before the Sedition Lobby took over Tinseltown.

Now I know for fact that there was one helluva party down in the Bay Area this week and to Mick Daniels, I have but one thing to say..."You'll be sorrrreeeee!" Speaking of the Bay...I see the A's were the ones to run into a kitchen tool. Droppin' 2 outta 3 to the Giants. So much for the new closer. Dotel didn't exactly inspire confidence in his debut. Oh season is around the corner now and I'm fixin' to bring back Coach Hargus "Pig" Hughes to take the reins of my fantasy league team. For those of you unfamiliar with the Coach, he led my Bay Bomber franchise for years before a rather ugly departure in a dispute he had with the team's owner, the eccentric Paul "DeBartolo" Villa. We're hoping for big things outta the coach so stay tuned.

Now I really need to get in a shot at the feedy frenzy currently ongoing over Michael "South Beach Diet" Moore's latest alleged documentary. Why on earth do people take the word of this slob seriously? Despite having his film Bowling for Columbine debunked line by line, despite being shown that the movie was factually incorrect and that Moore engaged in completely biased research that in itself was corrupted, despite all this, Hollyweird persisted in awarding the portly producer an Oscar. Fine if it had been awarded for fiction but no, it was given on the basis of best documentary. So now the frenchies are touting his latest, Fahrenheit 911 and lines of gullible lefties, seeking affirmation of their life's beliefs are flocking like lemmings to the flick. Moore of course says it's completely factual but he makes no attempt to disguise his anti-Bush agenda. Someone remind me, when and how did the partisan fighting become so bad?

You see, I recall when President Bush came to office, he pledged to unite the factions on Capitol Hill. He had worked with democrats in Texas and sought to do the same. Of course, smarting over the Constitutionally correct election of 2000, the party of sedition did everything it could to make life miserable for the President and pretty much single handedly destroyed his overtures of goodwill. Remember the school vouchers that President Bush touted in his campaign? Dropped at the insistence of democrats. As if that wasn't friendly enough, Bush then invited Teddy "Scuba" Kennedy to write the No Child Left Behind legislation that the President is now being beaten up on by the teacher unions. Once again, the left conveniently forgets that it was one of their own that wrote the legislation. Of course the bloviating Senator from Massachusetts, no the other one, isn't going to remind them. The President simply should have rammed school vouchers down the considerable maw of the socialists.

In any event, I don't want to ruin my Sunday evening reflections on thoughts of the senior Senator from the People's Republic of Taxxachusetts. Instead I'll leave you with this week's recipe a day early. Let's talk about those ribs.

Take one package of fresh, non-injected St. Louis cut spareribs. I like to cut the rack in half so they fit into my smoker easier. Now I rinse the ribs and pat them dry and then remove the membrane on the backside of the ribs by inserting a butter knife between the membrane and the bone and pulling up. Now, sprinkle equal parts of turbinado sugar and kosher salt on the ribs. Next sprinkle on cayenne pepper, black pepper, garlic powder, paprika and onion powder. Rub the mixture into the meat and then seal the meat in plastic ziploc bags and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, about six hours before you want to eat, throw them in the smoker over some apple or pecan pellets or wood, whichever you can find. Smoke them for at least 5 hrs at 200-225 degrees. Then transfer them to a grill where you can keep the heat low while you glaze them with your preferred sauce. I used a raspberry-chipotle sauce today and lemme tellya, it was good eatin' on ya!...enjoy and until next time I remain...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, June 25, 2004

If Jim Hank thinks I've been napping and have forgotten that this weekend is a big cross Bay series between the Giants and the A's, well he's hurting. But not as hurtin' as his Giants are going to be once they run into the kitchen tool that the A's are going to be now that Billy Beane went out and got us a closer who can throw harder than your average junior leaguer. Speaking of sports, I played the goat track at RedHawk today and what a bipolar round. Ugly front nine, respectable back nine, Texas wedge worked all day for me, three jacked once, dropped a three spot of one putts and two punched the rest. Still, the members there are determined to turn the course into a contender for a spot on the British Open rota with some of those 15 yard wide fairways....

Seems Vice President Cheney told a certain seditious senator from Vermont, who was once removed from the Senate Intelligence committee for his practice of leaking information, to perform a physiologically impossible act. I for one applaud the plain-spoken man from Wyoming and can't wait for the wailing and sniveling of the left to make itself manifest. Then I will remind them gently of their beloved "Give'em Hell" Harry Truman and Lyndon "Great Society" Johnson, both of whom could make a sailor blush with their seasoned wording. Besides, "leaky" Leahy is lucky the Vice President didn't dough-pop him one.

More good news for Republicans, the latest round of polls show President Bush beginning to edge out Jean Querry and taking a lead in crucial battleground states such as Ohio and Florida. The news on those two states is especially good in that the President's lead now exceeds the MoE in both the Harris and Foxnews/Opinion Dynamics polls. Now I know I shouldn't get too excited, after all I been preaching that the only poll that counts is the Electoral College. Surveys of the most recent state polls though show the President now enjoying a lead in sufficient states to provide 285 electoral votes. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Now then, if this election is close, how long do you suppose it will be before the libs start once more calling for the abolition of the electoral college? That would be a constitutional crisis but one I can see the self indulgent left purposely engaging in order to restore the power to the coasts and northeast corridor and urban centers. Socialist Amerika's way of perpetrating a Dick Cheney euphemism on real America or flyover country if you will. Ah well, enough worrying and rambling for now, I've got a small brisket flat, about 3 lbs on the smoker and it should be about ready to come off and I also need to catch the A's-Giants game and post the Friday Featurette. That being the case...I give you this week's honoree....SheDaisy currently topping the Country Music Charts, if their talent level is anything like their looks, hijo le mano, this is a 3 sister act, which begs the question...What does their mother look like?

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Well I didn't do anything but strap a young 95 on Standing Water Golf Club on Monday. A little warm up might have helped. Of course playing a round at a course where wetlands or water come into play on all 18 holes is an act of lunacy as well. Then again, what with the extortionary price of golf around here 25 scoots to play Standing Water Muni is a pretty fair deal.

Speaking of deals, it strikes me that President Bush gets a pretty raw deal all around from your average commie come lately. As some of you might recall, he came into office amid an uproar about his supposed lack of foreign policy credentials. Of course in response to this criticism, Bush didn't do anything short of brilliant. In fact he was lauded for his selections of not only a running mate, Dick Cheney with outstanding foreign policy credentials, but also a Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense who were both well respected and experienced. Bush also came into office determined to make domestic policy a centerpiece of his presidency. Instead, along comes Osama and September 11, 2001 and suddenly things are reversed. Now of course, the President is bashed for both his domestic policy, (which is only turning around the turgid Clinton recession)and his foreign policy which has left our enemies, from Saddam to Osama to Jacques in states of stunned protest. Clearly this is no democrat in the White House and while 50 million people have been liberated, thousands of Islamofascists have been killed and thousands more imprisoned, at least the 3rd world hasn't lost any aspirin factories.

Now comes the tried and true tactic on the part of the Islamonazis of kidnapping and beheading foreigners in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. This is calculated to terrorize those of us at home who watch just enough news to see another killing which can be blamed on the President and not (obviously enough) on the killers, before we construct a sign and head down to the local protest march. Fortunately, at least for now, we have a man in the White House who isn't going to soil his fruit of the looms every time some Al Qaeda nuts forget to take their meds. As reader Mick Daniels summed it up in a missive yesterday...

If I knew there were about 3000 ROK marines on their way to kick my
teeth in, I think the last thing I'd do is piss them off more by
beheading one of their countryman. But that's just me.

Thanks Mick, enjoy the party this weekend and keep the observations coming...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Saturday, June 19, 2004

In case you hadn't heard, President George W. Bush came to town yesterday. Of course you'd expect that Smilin' Paul Villa would be there and you'd be correct. Of course when Smilin' Paul is executing his duties as Nevada's premier cyber-congressman, you can bet that he goes first cabin. In plain English, (which happens to be the official language of WKWR) I got some VIP passes which put me about 50 feet away from Big Daddy while he was speaking. I have numerous pictures which I will post when I get them souped. President Bush worked the rope line after the event and while my better half and I tried mightily, we couldn't get any closer than about 15 feet to him in the crush of people.

It was quite a day. The lovely and talented Mrs. Cyber-congressman accompanied me and we enjoyed mocking the several hundred leftists who came out to protest the leader of the free world. I'll give the commies credit, some of their signs were actually amusing. I do have a suggestion for them though, they might benefit from a little spell checking. Of course you'll see for yourselves when I post the pictures. Another thing about them un-American little bastiges, somebody outta call the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and get them to look after these protestors. Some of them look to feel mighty puny and some others just look like mobile nests for rodents.

On the up side, as you all know, I am something of a news junkie and so I have seen President Bush give many campaign speeches. I was expecting the same canned speech here in Reno but was I pleasantly surprised. El Jefe was extremely animated, articulate and personable. I expected him to mangle at least a few words but he didn't. He was passionate and forceful and looks ready to carry the fight to the Party of Sedition. Here is a link to the full text of the President's speech in Reno. The crowd was loud and enthusiastic, originally the event was only supposed to be an invitation gig for a few hundred ardent Republicans, word got out that the POTUS was coming to town and so they printed up a few thousand tickets to give away. They went in a matter of hours, people waiting in long lines to get them. That being the case, the local Republican party put out the word and so a total of 10,000 tickets were given away. Lemme tell you, I'm glad it was Republicans, because they crammed 10,000 of us into an area designed for less than 7,000. You can only imagine what that would have been like if they coulda found 10,000 democrats in Reno, I mean given their general aversion to hygiene and what not.

In any event, it's about time to hit the rack. I need to get up early and mow the lawn so I can enjoy the remainder of Father's Day watching what should be a wonderful final round in the U.S. Open. Hitting Rosewood Swamp on Monday and hoping to be inspired. Lastly, reader Bill Ames has chimed in requesting that this week's (tardy) Republicandy be a picture of LeeAnn Rimes. Well since I'm a fan of the country crooner, I'm only too happy to oblige....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I'm still reeling from that thoroughly excreble round of golf yesterday. I bet an AIDS activist applying for a Federal grant and armed with a calculator couldn't count high enough to post that score. Oh well, there's always next week. Once again reader Dan Lynch has provided me with some poignant material which I post here for your enjoyment. Read it and ask yourselves yet again, "Why on earth do we consider the french our friends?"

Mikhail Gorbachev, a former enemy of the United States, came from Russia to
pay his respects at President Ronald Reagan's funeral, while America's
"friend," President Jacques Chirac of France, who was already on Sea Island,
Georgia, attending the Group of Eight summit meeting, refused to attend the

This snub comes from a nation that only days ago pledged unending gratitude
for the American lives lost in the liberation of France. This slight goes
beyond not liking President George W. Bush, or even not liking President
Ronald Reagan. This is utter contempt toward the United States by the French
political establishment.

Of course, the same question about france's friendship with us has been asked of Victor Davis Hanson and his reply on his website is quite telling. France's behavior really is deserving of American introspection. The damnable thing is that their behavior is so typically french that we tend to accept it. What really cheeses me off though is that right now I ought to be giggling like a schoolgirl about the UN corruption scandal blowing up in Kofi's face but thanks to the frogs I can't really enjoy it. I still think the best solution to the UN is to move the entire rotten mass to Paris and they're welcome to it. Then the corrupt, lazy french can compete with corrupt, ambitious colonials for the attentions of pretentious gallic waiters and haughty dames.

Now then I said yesterday that I would post the perfect bbq sauce for that pulled pork I told y'all how to make. Well here it more sniveling, you're getting two recipes this week....This sauce is Lexington style Carolina/Georgia Piedmont BBQ sauce and the recipe comes courtesy of Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue Sauces...

1.5 cups of apple cider vinegar
1 cup ketchup
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

Combine the ingredients in a nonreactive saucepan and blend well. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring occassionally. This sauce will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator. Enjoy it with pulled pork or ribs...and good eatin' on ya!!!

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Monday, June 14, 2004

OK...the pitmaster is back. Now that Memorial Day and a proper period of mourning for President Reagan is in the rearview mirror, we can get back to a semblance of normalcy around here. For those of you jonesing for Republicandy, stick around until Friday. I thought it a bit tacky to post the Friday Featurette on the day of President Reagan's funeral. This being BBQ season, that means it's golf season as well and I been out working the new Ben Hogan irons into playing trim. Now I could tell you how Big Daddy Hank and I brought Eagle Valley East to it's knees last Friday but then I might have to give equal time to the thoroughly excreble round I fired today at Silver Oak. Gotta love that Nevada weather. Forecast called for sunny and 89 degrees. I dressed appropriately. When I left my house it was sunny and 65. Got to Carson City, the wind was howlin' like perfume through a high school dance and the wind chill must have been about 45 degrees. It wasn't but 18 holes later that the course quit kickin' my ass.

Despite the humbling experience of golf, there is good news to report and that there is truly justice in this world. Seems the UN has discovered it's not only corrupt, but the low level ideological functionaries are ratting out the bosses who live like kings here but would be dirt farming trash back in their hovels that someone more generous than I am has decided to call a country. It's hard for me to decide which is a bigger waste of American tax dollars, public education or the UN. At least with the UN you get infrequent entertainment and colorful headgear from the natives. Just watching them negotiate with New York cabbies and hookers would make most anyone smile.

Now then, I got to post a recipe here this week since I'm a week behind after last week and it's gonna be pulled pork. If you don't have a smoker, you can quit reading now but if you do, then hoss get ready for the best pig sandwich this side of Dixie. Hank and I co-hosted a BBQ on Saturday and this pork got rave reviews. Check the archives for a simple make it yourself smoker you can put together with flower pots and a hot plate.


One 6 lb boneless pork butt
Dry Rub. (I use North Main BBQ rub out of Euless, Texas but you can make one yourself)
Sprinkle the rub liberally over the butt and then wrap it or place it into a plastic ziploc bag and refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, about 9 hrs before you want to eat, get your smoker going and bring it up to a temp between 200-240 degrees. Now lately I've been smoking with a mixture of pecan and Jack Daniels soaked oak pellets. You can get the pellets at Home Depot, WalMart or like stores. Place the pellets in a foil pouch and puncture it. Throw the packet onto a pie tin placed on top of your heat source, then put the butt on the grill and cover the smoker. Check it periodically to make sure you are keeping temp in that proper range. The butt will usually take 1.5 to 2 hrs a lb. You can use a probe to check the temp but when the pork is fork tender, you can insert a fork and easily turn it. Or if you use a thermometer, the interior temp should read about 200. Once it's done, you can pull the pork apart with forks and chop it. Pile it on hamburger buns with coleslaw and a little Carolina Red BBQ sauce to really put some South in your mouth. Tomorrow, I'll post the recipe for the BBQ the meantime, good eatin' on ya!!

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

You know, I've been searching for something poignant to say about the passing of a giant. As you all know, I'm not usually at a loss for words. Well today I am. I was so choked up yesterday, watching the services for President Reagan and I'll be the first to admit that I cried. What the hell, I'm secure enough in my manhood, my conservative credentials are unimpeachable and like Rush Limbaugh said, I feel like a part of me died with him.

For those of you who don't know, Rush Limbaugh had an opening hour monologue yesterday which was a tribute to Ronald Reagan. I am including a link ">here so that you can all read it and learn a little about the legacy of a man who will rank among the very top tier of presidents. Whether you like Rush or not, the man is eloquent and his tribute is moving.

I have so many memories of this legend, I remember most how everyone warned that the election of Ronald Reagan would lead to war and that we would all be annihilated in a nuclear holocaust. The typical leftist bugaboo. Well this one time they were half right. It did lead to war. The Cold War was pursued with renewed vigor and eventually it led to the defeat of communism. Perhaps that was President Reagan's greatest sin in the eyes of the left, he exposed once and for all their hypocrisy, duplicity and most of all, the utter failure of communism/socialism. For that alone, America owes this man a debt of gratitude it can never repay.

Reader Jim Hank Duncan put it well here:They don't make 'em like that anymore. You ignored the press, the intellectuals, and the naysayers in Congress, stuck to your principles and did what you thought was right. As a result, you left the world a safer and a freer place, and America much stronger and more prosperous. Goodbye, Ron, and thank you.

James H. Duncan, Jr.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Good Bye Mr. President. The first vote I ever cast was for this greatest President in my lifetime. Ronald Reagan has given me so many memories and so much pride in our country. I confess to being completely choked up right now and upon learning of his death, immediately put my flag out. I remember John Dundon. Some of you might recall him, I never wanted to visit great violence upon a human more than the day that John Hinckley attempted to kill President Reagan. The first I heard of the news was from John Dundon, fatuous rock-n-roll bonehead, who came running up to me with the news and spouting off some typical leftist, classless tripe along the lines of "hoping he succeeded." Even today I punished myself by wandering over to democratic underground. How classless, cruel and obscene can leftists be? Well if you want to know, drop on by there but be prepared to punch the lights out of the first smarmy socialist you see thereafter....

My thoughts and prayers are with Nancy Reagan and the entire Reagan family tonight. May God bless the President and may God continue to bless the United States....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, June 04, 2004

It's FRIDAY!!! and what a great day for democracy!! OK, I'm not big fan of George Tenet and personally I'm glad to see him go. I think it's about 2.5 years too late but what the hell, better late than never. Tenet was the kind of guy you'd love to have at the party. The guy who knew all the right girls to call and had the good jokes. The guy you could tell, "Hey George, take care of picking up the keg" and it would be taken care of. In other words, he was everybody's pal. Of course this is not the type of guy I want running Central Intelligence. I would prefer someone who is cold, ruthless, calculating and above all, has American interests as his number 1 priority. It would also help if he were a MENSA like genius or failing that then at least have a modicum of street smarts. One last thing about Tenet, since he was a holdover from the administration of IMPEACHED ex-president Clinton, he should have been canned 3 years ago. Of course President Bush kept him around precisely because Tenet had that ability to convince everyone he was your pal. Not necessarily competent mind you, just a pal, and everyone knows how hard it is to fire a buddy. So there is blame to go around here. Clinton should never have appointed the fraternity rush committee chair to head Central Intelligence and President Bush should never have kept him around so long..

Beyond the news about Tenet resigning yesterday, the other event which made it such a stellar day for American democracy was the arrival at last of my new sticks. I been playing the same tired King Cobra irons since I bought them off reader Dave Ponte 8 years ago. Time to upgrade....boy them babies are beggin' to hit the course. A beautiful full set of Ben Hogan CFT Edge irons, hybrid 3-4, standard length, lie and shaft, shaved grips. Tee time is 0758 Monday down at Silver Oak which I affectionately call Goat Hills from time to time in deference to that great American Dan Jenkins. It's gonna be a long weekend..... lets get down to Friday bidness...I was scouting around and while I know we have honored Ann Coulter as the Friday Featurette at least twice before, I found a picture of her last night which I think will appeal particularly to those of us like myself and readers Keith "Tall" DeBisschop and James "Redline" Langan who love and respect the 2nd amendment. To that end, I give you Ms. Ann Coulter, Constitutional Attorney and Conservative Beauty exercising her 2nd Amendment Right......

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Damn, I fell asleep last night and sometime there somebody done had a revolution in California. Once again the preverts on the the circus affectionately called the 9th circuit court of appeals have seen fit to subvert the wishes of the American people. Once again, the 9th Circuit and one of it's loose cannon judges have taken upon themselves to act as both the legislative and executive branches of government. Yesterday, a feminazi justice decided that the Partial Birth Abortion ban, approved by both houses of Congress and signed into law by the President, really wasn't the will of the people and has upheld a challenge to the law by Planned Parenthood. You all know Planned Parenthood, that doctrinaire group of fun loving libs who find it more important to distribute condoms in schools than to focus on education of teens. Planned Parenthood being a misnomer given the group's constant endorsement of abortion as a means to end any chances of parenthood. Once again, the hypocrisy of the left is breathtaking.

OK, so what do we do to end the judicial fiat? Legislating from the bench seems to be a unique illness to liberals since they cannot get the vast majority of Americans on their side, the legislative process has to be hijacked by the judiciary in order to effect socialist change. VOTE REPUBLICAN and give the President a mandate to continue to appoint judges who respect and will UPHOLD the constitution, constructionists who won't interpret the laws of the land to fit their own perverted world view. Then, contact your representatives in Congress and DEMAND that they censure any colleagues supporting obstructionist tactics to prevent conservative judicial candidates from receiving a fair hearing on Capitol Hill. If you want change, it starts with you, get busy, write, call, e-mail or fax your Congressman....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family