Merry Christmas to all you faithful, and not only those who adhere to the Christian faith of our Founding Fathers but to those of y'all who check in here regularly just to see what some redneck American of Mexican descent who happens to live in the Nevada desert has to say.
Well the presents are all open and suppers' been had, its time to relax with a little Tennessee corn-squeezin's and some egg nog while chewing on a fine Hatuey seegar. The Villa clan got on the outside of some brown sugar glazed ham and Alabama Christmas spuds. Remind me to post the recipe for those, I swear they're the best potatoes you ever had, the only bad thing is you can only have them once a year unless you're getting frequent flier miles from your cardiologist. Back to the ham though. I can't say enough about ham. It's a humble meat but damn if it isn't just about my favorite. Swine so fine...I've loved ham since I was a kid, I always looked forward to Christmas and Easter because I knew those were two days for sure we'd have ham. Those of y'all enjoying your prime rib and seafood tonight are having some damn fine eats no doubt. But for tradition, give me the divine swine....
Speaking of recipes, you all can look forward to more of those. Thanks to the Christian practice of gift giving a this time of year, Chef Villa is now fully outfitted with a proper set of chef's knives and a mixer. All of which was gratefully accepted on behalf of advancing the culinary habits of the readership of WKWR.
Since it is a holy day, I will even refrain from launching my customary attack upon the forces of secularism who even now are bowing before some false idol and eating baked tofu. Merry Christmas to you all too. Once the New Year comes, you can expect that Smilin' Paul will be prepared to unleash verbal double cannister at point blank range to the forces who are trying to destroy us.
Speaking of destruction, my fantasy football franchise, led by ever-quotable Coach Hargus "Pig" Hughes has once again managed to take a League Championship. In a hard fought contest, the Nevada Bombers bested the Reno Hooligans and that it 2 championships in the last 3 years. A new sports dynasty is obviously here. Now that that football season is behind us, I can concentrate on school and exposing the neverending follies and hypocrisy of the left. Until then though, Merry Christmas...
Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family
Well the presents are all open and suppers' been had, its time to relax with a little Tennessee corn-squeezin's and some egg nog while chewing on a fine Hatuey seegar. The Villa clan got on the outside of some brown sugar glazed ham and Alabama Christmas spuds. Remind me to post the recipe for those, I swear they're the best potatoes you ever had, the only bad thing is you can only have them once a year unless you're getting frequent flier miles from your cardiologist. Back to the ham though. I can't say enough about ham. It's a humble meat but damn if it isn't just about my favorite. Swine so fine...I've loved ham since I was a kid, I always looked forward to Christmas and Easter because I knew those were two days for sure we'd have ham. Those of y'all enjoying your prime rib and seafood tonight are having some damn fine eats no doubt. But for tradition, give me the divine swine....
Speaking of recipes, you all can look forward to more of those. Thanks to the Christian practice of gift giving a this time of year, Chef Villa is now fully outfitted with a proper set of chef's knives and a mixer. All of which was gratefully accepted on behalf of advancing the culinary habits of the readership of WKWR.
Since it is a holy day, I will even refrain from launching my customary attack upon the forces of secularism who even now are bowing before some false idol and eating baked tofu. Merry Christmas to you all too. Once the New Year comes, you can expect that Smilin' Paul will be prepared to unleash verbal double cannister at point blank range to the forces who are trying to destroy us.
Speaking of destruction, my fantasy football franchise, led by ever-quotable Coach Hargus "Pig" Hughes has once again managed to take a League Championship. In a hard fought contest, the Nevada Bombers bested the Reno Hooligans and that it 2 championships in the last 3 years. A new sports dynasty is obviously here. Now that that football season is behind us, I can concentrate on school and exposing the neverending follies and hypocrisy of the left. Until then though, Merry Christmas...
Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family