Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why is it that the appearance of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano doesn't exactly inspire confidence in me? Sure there are the whispered rumors about her (ahem) lifestyle...(not that there's anything wrong with that)...rumors that in the good ol' days would have prevented anyone from obtaining a Top Secret clearance, much less running a highly sensitive cabinet level department charged with the safety of a third of a billion Americans. Nope, for me its deeper, (or shallower as the case may be), for me the dealbreaker with Napolitano is the perpetual deer in the headlights look on her face coupled with her barely coherent ability to speak. This combination of traits merely leaves me asking, exactly how did the good people of Arizona find this galactically stupid woman electable.

Now before you all condemn me for painting Napolitano with the broad brush of galactic stupidity, allow me the chance to remind you of a couple things. Only last week Napolitano opined that our northern border was as big a security threat as our southern one, pointing out, (incorrectly as most legitimate Americans knew) that the Saudi terrorists who executed the 9-11 attacks came across our border from Canada. Then there was the release of the Deparment of Homeland Security report alleging that veterans returning from the Global War on Terror, (s'cuse me, Overseas Contingency Operation), are more susceptible to becoming right wing extremists than your average Joe like me, who just happens to be fed up with an ever-expanding federal gub'mint.

Not to worry though because tepid apologies were issued and now we all have to pull together to overcome the spectre of pandemic swine flu. But wait, it seems that Homeland Security is in charge of preparations to defeat a pandemic spread of disease. That means we're back to Janet Napolitano, she of the severe hair do and the deer in the headlights expression. Now I know that every now and then a stray lib'rul finds their way onto this page. Here is an open invitation. Can anyone of you kindly explain to this broken down ol' cowpoke, exactly what were Napolitano's qualifications for the post she holds? Umm, on second thought, we could ask the same thing of the Secretary of State and the President himself so nevermind.

The lesson we learn here folks is that qualifications and the well being of the American people, adherence to the Constitution and common sense mean nothing to the current administration. Their allegiance is to international socialism and some utopian dream world where they wield the power. Their familiarity with the Constitution is passing at best and common sense is merely a roadblock to their accumulation of power. You know, it's a funny thing. I recall many a leftist that supped with my family back when my sister was going to school. They were forever accusing rightwingers in general and me specifically of being fascists and nazis. Yet when you examine the record, it is the left that is the true fascists. It is their president who is nationalizing industry and their representatives attempting to modify human behavior through legislation. Now I don't know a lot of things, but I do know that the policies of the current administration do not bode well for the American people or for freedom.

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family

Friday, April 10, 2009

OMG....Where do I start? How about here. JB Williams does legitimate Americans a service by pointing out that socialists have taken over the government. This is no idle far-right conspiracy theory from the tinfoil hat crowd. Read the article, as I have pointed out for 5+ years now, the democrat party has been wholly subsumed by the radical, far left, communist elements. Their allegiance is no longer to America, it is to multicultural and multinational interests who perceive individual liberty and American freedoms as a threat to their accumulation of power. The greatest source of power in the world is America and so the socialists and enemies who would see us vanquished from the world stage, work together. As the article implies, sometimes your worst enemies are those within.

Naturally, I am thoroughly opposed to any socialist encroachment upon the government. It is my opinion already that the federal government is far too bloated and powerful. It has far exceeded the limitations imposed upon it through the Tenth Amendment. Lib'ruls have used the courts wisely for decades, contorting the Commerce Clause and Fourteenth Amendment to such a degree that the Tenth Amendment has been largely forgotten. Well legitimate Americans haven't forgotten it. In the past several months a groundswell of support for the Tenth Amendment has come from the State Legislatures, given the outrageous encroachment of the Federal government upon both the private sector and the states this pushback should come as no surprise. The states are reclaiming the sovereignty envisioned for them by the Founding Fathers. Approximately 30 states are now considering legislative resolutions proclaiming their sovereignty to Washington. Hopefully Washington will hear the anger, before those resolutions become more forceful.
You can see if your state is listed at The Tenth Amendment Center. If it is, please consider contacting your Assemblyman and asking their support of it.

Naturally in these tough economic times it isn't easy for Americans to concentrate on obscure political concepts and ideologies like enumerated powers and state sovereignty. This situation merely points to the excreble condition of civic education in the public schools. Right now, putting food on the table is a much larger concern for most Americans. Unemployment is up, food prices are up, gas prices are inching back up and sadly the number of terrorists emboldened by the new president's manful display of gumption in the face of repeated foreign policy crises, is also up. Lesseeee. O'Bama goes to Europe and embarrasses us yet again with his ghetto gift-giving. He gets dressed down by the FRENCH!!! He bows in subservience to the Saudi King, fawns for the Turks and brings back home...nothing.

Why the litany of events was getting so bad that Barry was feeling a little blue. I mean besides the economic and foriegn policy news, there was nothing GOOD happening. Now most legitimate Americans know that nothing will cure the blues like a good old pizza party. Call your local pie palace, have them send over a couple of pizzas and toss back a few cold ones. I mean no one could really blame Barry and Michelle if they wanted to do something like that in the wake of their European Vacation. Of course being lib'ruls, you don't expect the O'Bamas to order pizza from the same D.C. locales attended by the hoi polloi. After an exhausting trip and unending string of bad news, I mean the job just gets so stressful you want to shout out "PRESENT!".

But you can't do that because now you're the man and the man makes decisions and sometimes those decisions can impact millions of American taxpayers. Like the decision on where to get pizza. You don't just lift a phone and call the Domino's over in Georgetown. Nope, how about chartering a flight for your favorite pizza chef from St. Louis? After all, the taxpayer is funding it.

Once again legitimate Americans, another example of the lib'rul hypocrisy on display. The "common touch" and the politics of a new era. O'Bama's change turned out to be nothing more than a "change my order from thick to thin crust." On the other hand, we conservatives can enjoy the headache that this must have given Algore considering the size of the carbon "footprint" created just so the O'Bamas could enjoy their favorite slice of pizza. Maybe I can get a bailout in time to order Round Table tomorrow night...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family