Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Monday, July 24, 2006

What a great weekend. First of all Tiger Woods straps some eat my dust on a field of Europretenders and wins his 3rd British Open. Then even better, an American named Floyd Landis, who has an arthritic hip goes out and makes the frenchies absolutely apopletic by winning the Tour de France. Quick someone hand the frenchies a gun so they can end their national misery before they become another province of Algeria. Next thing you know, someone will notice that California makes better wine than the swill that passes for french fruit of the vine...oh wait, that's already happened, look here.

Speaking of impotence, I see ol' Kofi Annan opening his piehole today sniveling that a ceasefire is needed in Lebanon and that Syria and Iran must be made party to the negotiations. Sure there Kofi, exactly how many fraudulently opbtained American tax dollars do you have invested in Iranian oil? Inquiring minds want to know. Now then why should Israel negotiate with terrorists? The United States does not, it is part and parcel of our national policy so why should the Israelis' be held hostage to a policy that is manifestly different from that adhered to by almost all other civilized nations. The simple answer is that they should not. The Israelis should do exactly what they're doing, ignore the paederasts and kiddie rapists at the UN and keep on killing terrorists. Each one they whack now, is one less that Americans will have to dispose of later in this international game of "Whack a mole"...

Of course I see that Syria is loudmouthing today that any expansion of the attacks in Lebanon will force them to come to the assistance of the Lebanese against the Israelis. My first thought was that this was merely Arabic bluster. Big hat, no cattle talk. Now I'm reconsidering that opinion. We all know with certainty now that Saddam Hussein had WMD prior to our invasion of Iraq. Although the left ignores the evidence, (like the OJ jury leftists ignore the obvious)many intelligence experts have said that the WMD were likely moved overland into Syria during the run up to war. This is likely and I'm certain our satelites captured the movement on tape. It seems to me that perhaps we are going to use this information as leverage while Condi negotiates the best possible deal for the Israelis who remain busily engaged in spanking Hezbollah in the meantime. In the words of Tom Clancy it looks like the Syrians need to be reminded that if you kick a tiger in the ass, you'd better have a plan to deal with his teeth.

Now I might be wrong about those stockpiled WMDs being in Syria. Even if I am though, there is no denying that behind Iran and North Korea, Syria is the greatest sponsor of terror in the world. That alone makes them prime candidates for the next application of the Bush Doctrine. Personally however, I'd rather see the Mad Mullahs in Tehran dealt with. That would send a message to the Syrians loud and clear, abandoned as they are by most of the Arab World. A little economic isolation and military ruination go a long way towards encouraging attitude adjustments. Let's just hope that President Bush and Condoleeza Rice listen to Hank Williams Jr. on occasion, after all he is a Republican...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2010
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family


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