Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Friday, May 14, 2004

I have been struggling since the news of John's death to decide whether to publish the Friday Featurette or not. It seems a trivial thing and terribly immaterial. Then I began to recall the times I spent in John's company. The many nights out honky-tonkin' and enjoying adult beverages. The parties and his ever-present smile. Ultimately, John made the decision for me. John was a cowboy and he loved country music and he would have wanted the republicandy to go on. I can't think of a finer tribute than to include a couple of country songstresses on this week's Friday Feature in order to salute my friend. After this I will get back to the business of politics around here, I had hoped to write so much during my trip to D.C. Seeing how things work and meeting with lobbyists and elected officials in Sodom-on-Potomac was an eye-opening experience. Of course, I also hope that you my readers will indulge me a little. I assure you all that I have many observations to commit to the blog about my trip. Until I can, I give you...Martina McBride and Sara Evans..for John....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family


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