It's FRIDAY!!!! Welcome friends to WKWR for this week's installment of Republicandy. First off though, I'm going to throw out a plug for some Nevada Republicandy, Heidi Gansert, Republican candidate for State Assembly District 25. I had the pleasure of meeting her the other day and she makes a favorable impression. Richie will be happy to know she graduated from SCU.
Now before we get to Friday's main event, I'd like to spend a few moments asking, can someone give Algore a haircut? Is he suffering a mid life crisis or what? First he takes his dream job of poisoning young minds at Columbia and grows a beard. Then he decides to try becoming a capitalist, now he is back in the political fray taking a well deserved shot at the Clintons by endorsing the perpetually angry Howie Mean. Of course Algore has let his hair go long and he still plays the part of the p.o.'ed populist. Tipper better watch out or one day Al is going to come home driving a Cooper Mini and trailing a starstruck young co-ed named Charity.
Some 3 years after the election that he lost, and Algore still can't let go. He's still trying to cast himself in a positive light, still trying to be that elusive alpha male, still trying to define his candidacy and still sniveling that the election was stolen. Well Al, you were the one who threw the election into the courts. You were the one whose campaign tried to discredit military absentee ballots, you were the one who chose the battlefield counties, stacked with your democrat hack politicians and precinct workers. Now when you lose the outcome, you should just walk away. At least until 2008 when Shrillary runs for president. Now that would be a good time for you to exorcise your demons by taking on the Shrill one in the primary season. That would be a battle of titans. You'd still lose, or if the fight looked too close, you'd end up a victim of Arkancide but it would be fun to watch while each of you tries to outdo the other in pandering to the pinks and then after winning the primaries, goes about trying to convince the American public at large that you really aren't socialists after all. Yep, that would be worth a subscription to pay per view...
Now then on to this week's Republicandy, conservative pundit and frequent talk show guest analyst, Debbie Schlussel...
Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family
Now before we get to Friday's main event, I'd like to spend a few moments asking, can someone give Algore a haircut? Is he suffering a mid life crisis or what? First he takes his dream job of poisoning young minds at Columbia and grows a beard. Then he decides to try becoming a capitalist, now he is back in the political fray taking a well deserved shot at the Clintons by endorsing the perpetually angry Howie Mean. Of course Algore has let his hair go long and he still plays the part of the p.o.'ed populist. Tipper better watch out or one day Al is going to come home driving a Cooper Mini and trailing a starstruck young co-ed named Charity.
Some 3 years after the election that he lost, and Algore still can't let go. He's still trying to cast himself in a positive light, still trying to be that elusive alpha male, still trying to define his candidacy and still sniveling that the election was stolen. Well Al, you were the one who threw the election into the courts. You were the one whose campaign tried to discredit military absentee ballots, you were the one who chose the battlefield counties, stacked with your democrat hack politicians and precinct workers. Now when you lose the outcome, you should just walk away. At least until 2008 when Shrillary runs for president. Now that would be a good time for you to exorcise your demons by taking on the Shrill one in the primary season. That would be a battle of titans. You'd still lose, or if the fight looked too close, you'd end up a victim of Arkancide but it would be fun to watch while each of you tries to outdo the other in pandering to the pinks and then after winning the primaries, goes about trying to convince the American public at large that you really aren't socialists after all. Yep, that would be worth a subscription to pay per view...
Now then on to this week's Republicandy, conservative pundit and frequent talk show guest analyst, Debbie Schlussel...

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family
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