Well the hits just keep on rolling. First more democrat losses in elections around the country on Tuesday and now the information that democrats on the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence have developed a plan to use their position to initiate an investigation aimed at crippling the re-election campaign of the president. If there is one committee which should remain bi-partisan at all costs, it is the Intelligence Committee. Once again the democrats show how craven and beholden to special interests they are. They have no concern for the country and truly view George W. Bush as a greater threat to our Nation than terrorism. Their only concern is recapturing the power they have lost. It'll be interesting to see exactly which Senator's staffer circulated this seditious memo. Strong early indications point to Senator Rockefeller, D-W.Va. we shall see...
Now then to rant. This week my boxers are in a bunch over the higher educational system. College, University, Academic Gulag or whatever you'd like to call it. In her new book Shut Up and Sing, Laura Ingraham talks about academic elites who are yesterdays 60's longhairs. She produces an interesting item. It seems that we force college students to take all sorts of useless courses that will serve them little or none at all in reality depending upon their major. Why is it we can make college English majors or Political Science majors take art appreciation, biology or college math even if they'll have little use for the information later. I ask you. How many of you have had to compute trig problems since graduation? Do you feel better or worse about your job prospects because of the Monet print that hangs in your favorite Starbucks?
We force students to take these courses on topics which will never again cross their minds but what really hacks me off is Ingraham's assertion that of all American colleges and universities, only 3, THREE!! require students to take a course on the United States Constitution to graduate. Any guesses as to which three schools they are? Of course they are West Point, The Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy at Annapolis. The Constitution, bedrock of the Nation, something which serves our citizenry each and every day and does so without need for advanced algorithms or deep appreciation of dead french artists, is left out of the curriculums of nearly every American University. Oh sure the Constitution is mentioned in passing by internationalist professors sneering at the meaning of it or denigrating it as a document which needs to be discarded or improved upon. In depth analysis and appreciation of the contents? It appears that is left to those who actually defend it. In case you want to run down to Barnes and Noble in order to pick up her book, here is a cover shot of the tome so you'll know what you're looking for....
Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family
Now then to rant. This week my boxers are in a bunch over the higher educational system. College, University, Academic Gulag or whatever you'd like to call it. In her new book Shut Up and Sing, Laura Ingraham talks about academic elites who are yesterdays 60's longhairs. She produces an interesting item. It seems that we force college students to take all sorts of useless courses that will serve them little or none at all in reality depending upon their major. Why is it we can make college English majors or Political Science majors take art appreciation, biology or college math even if they'll have little use for the information later. I ask you. How many of you have had to compute trig problems since graduation? Do you feel better or worse about your job prospects because of the Monet print that hangs in your favorite Starbucks?
We force students to take these courses on topics which will never again cross their minds but what really hacks me off is Ingraham's assertion that of all American colleges and universities, only 3, THREE!! require students to take a course on the United States Constitution to graduate. Any guesses as to which three schools they are? Of course they are West Point, The Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy at Annapolis. The Constitution, bedrock of the Nation, something which serves our citizenry each and every day and does so without need for advanced algorithms or deep appreciation of dead french artists, is left out of the curriculums of nearly every American University. Oh sure the Constitution is mentioned in passing by internationalist professors sneering at the meaning of it or denigrating it as a document which needs to be discarded or improved upon. In depth analysis and appreciation of the contents? It appears that is left to those who actually defend it. In case you want to run down to Barnes and Noble in order to pick up her book, here is a cover shot of the tome so you'll know what you're looking for....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family
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