Nothing Left, to Say...

Where We Shed Light on the Right, We respect governance by the 2C's, Common Sense and the Constitution, where we never have anything say...We are also the home of the (almost) weekly Rant and Recipe...

Thursday, July 29, 2004

NEWSFLASH!.....I had no idea that Jean Querry was a Vietnam Veteran! I don't know why he hasn't advertised his service more. More observations from my continued self-flagellation and viewing of the Party of Sedition's National Convention....Teresa Heinz Kerry is delusional, her ex-husband is rolling over in his grave and I would love to see her blood tested. Just looking at the glassy look on her face, the lolling head, slow speech and aberrant behavior indicate to me someone who is ingesting a little something more than Chardonnay. IMPEACHED ex-president Clinton gave a pretty fair speech the other night. It's going to be fun tonight watching Jean Querry try to mask his priveleged background and droning, stentorian delivery while he pitches himself to the American people. My problem with Querry is that he is a demonstrated liar who has provided no alternatives to the American people beyond, "I'm not George Bush and I fought in Vietnam"....

Which of course was news to me, sheesh, whoda thunk that Jean Kerry was a Vietnam Veteran. He really should market himself more. Kerry is also going to have a pleasant 3 months now trying to explain his constant flip flops to the American people. This is one of the reasons why Americans rarely elect a Senator, simply because they usually can't defend their records which hopefully becomes the case with Monsieur Querry. Strikingly, Jean Edwards gave a speech last night which was so hawk-like it must have dismayed the peace lobby in the Party of Sedition. By the way, did anyone else know that Jean Kerry is a Veteran of Vietnam? Given his behavior after the war, I wonder if he isn't also considered a North Vietnamese Veteran?

Last observation, Barack Obama is a scary prospect. He is young, articulate, educated, intelligent and a gifted speaker. He will be a force to contend with and I can easily see Black Americans falling under his sway. Don't underestimate this man as just another huckster. Barack Obama is clearly no Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton and to underestimate his abilities is to seriously hamper our ability to respond to him. I don't care who the Republicans run in Illinois, after Obama's speech the other night, he will win that Senate seat easily....

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family


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