Never let it be said that Smilin' Paul Villa has no sense of humor. Digging into the ol' e-mail bag I find this missive from reader John Cryer, Reno Nv. enjoy a good laugh at my expense.
Not so smiling Paul,
For years I've wondered about the color "Burnt Orange," where it came from, how it came to be named, etc. Well, Tuesday night I had an epiphany while sitting in Luxury box 3B at Qualcomm Stadium watching the University of Texas lose another Holiday Bowl. (1 out of 3 in the past 4 years isn't good).
The "Burnt" comes from Longhorns treatment on the field.
What a game! The Cougar Defense ran roughshod all over the Texas front-line and the punt game of all things helped secure the victory by putting the Horns on their own 5 for much of the first half.
Oh by the way I did remember your order;
1) 1 burnt orange University of Texas Holiday Bowl baseball cap:
2) 1 burnt orange University of Texas Holiday Bowl T shirt (XL):
3) Being able to wear my WSU Crimson and Silver Holiday Bowl stuff for a year to remind a friend that the Horns were lassoed:
Have a happy New Year,
So far, a pretty miserable week. I had hoped that Mac Brown could get the UT program turned around and to an extent he has. The Horns are usually ranked in the top 10 now but there seems to be a distressing inability to win the big game. Mac Brown can recruit with the best of them and Texas has landed top 5 recruiting classes for several years running. All of these stud hosses should produce better results in a bowl game...nuff said.
On the other hand, the next big game to look forward to is the Iowa caucus on Jan 19 when the implosion of the Party of Sedition proceeds all ahead 2/3s. By the time of the New Hampshire primary a week later, it'll be full speed ahead. Funny how the presumptive candidate, Howie "Nikita" Dean is wilting under the assault of his fellow presidential wannabees. On the other hand, I really need to don my tinfoil hat and wonder just how much of this is contrived. Howie portrays himself as a Washington outsider, a populist from humble roots and an angry crusader for the democrats, upset at the direction of the DLC founded in part by IMPEACHED ex-president Clinton. Funny thing though is Howie "Nikita" Dean's staff and advisors is heavily made up of former Clintonistas.
Now then, on to this week's Republicandy, country songstress Sara Evans. With beauty like this, is it any wonder why I prefer country music?
Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family
Not so smiling Paul,
For years I've wondered about the color "Burnt Orange," where it came from, how it came to be named, etc. Well, Tuesday night I had an epiphany while sitting in Luxury box 3B at Qualcomm Stadium watching the University of Texas lose another Holiday Bowl. (1 out of 3 in the past 4 years isn't good).
The "Burnt" comes from Longhorns treatment on the field.
What a game! The Cougar Defense ran roughshod all over the Texas front-line and the punt game of all things helped secure the victory by putting the Horns on their own 5 for much of the first half.
Oh by the way I did remember your order;
1) 1 burnt orange University of Texas Holiday Bowl baseball cap:
2) 1 burnt orange University of Texas Holiday Bowl T shirt (XL):
3) Being able to wear my WSU Crimson and Silver Holiday Bowl stuff for a year to remind a friend that the Horns were lassoed:
Have a happy New Year,
So far, a pretty miserable week. I had hoped that Mac Brown could get the UT program turned around and to an extent he has. The Horns are usually ranked in the top 10 now but there seems to be a distressing inability to win the big game. Mac Brown can recruit with the best of them and Texas has landed top 5 recruiting classes for several years running. All of these stud hosses should produce better results in a bowl game...nuff said.
On the other hand, the next big game to look forward to is the Iowa caucus on Jan 19 when the implosion of the Party of Sedition proceeds all ahead 2/3s. By the time of the New Hampshire primary a week later, it'll be full speed ahead. Funny how the presumptive candidate, Howie "Nikita" Dean is wilting under the assault of his fellow presidential wannabees. On the other hand, I really need to don my tinfoil hat and wonder just how much of this is contrived. Howie portrays himself as a Washington outsider, a populist from humble roots and an angry crusader for the democrats, upset at the direction of the DLC founded in part by IMPEACHED ex-president Clinton. Funny thing though is Howie "Nikita" Dean's staff and advisors is heavily made up of former Clintonistas.
Now then, on to this week's Republicandy, country songstress Sara Evans. With beauty like this, is it any wonder why I prefer country music?

Smilin' Paul Villa U.S. Senate 2004
cyber-Congressman, R-Reno
Proud Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and 2 SUV Family
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